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a moving truck entered the driveway of a house and a family got out to start unpacking.

a young boy, aged around 6 was staring out of his bedroom admiring the truck that was parked in the driveway. he ran downstairs to his mother in the kitchen.

"mommy! why is there a truck in front of that house?" the young boy asked his mother curiously. the mom placed the bowl that she was washing aside and closed the tap.

"that truck is helping that family move in koutarou, you wanna go say hi later?" she smiled at her son. koutarou jumped up and down in excitement "yeah yeah!!"

sometime later, they were in front of the new neighbours doorstep bearing a small batch of cookies they whipped up beforehand. they knocked on the door and waited for a response. koutarou eagerly stood behind his mother.

a door opened to a woman, she had h/c hair and looked rather tired from the move. mrs.bokuto smiled and introduced herself.

"hello! sorry if we're interrupting you but my boy koutarou saw that you moved here and couldn't help but want to say hi. we baked these ourselves so we hope you enjoy them!" mrs.bokuto handed them a batch of cookies and smiled.

the h/c haired women looked delighted. "oh! thank you so much! you didn't need to do that, you're too kind. how about when we finish packing we'll invite you for dinner sometime. it would be nice to have some friends in the neighbourhood you know?"

the two women conversed with each other for a while then finally saying good bye as the family had to finish unpacking.


a few days pass and eventually the bokuto family gets invited to their new neighbour's house for dinner.

the l/n family was busy preparing and waiting for their guests to arrive. they hear the doorbell ring right after the mother fixes the decor. "ah, perfect timing"

she walked over to the door and was greeted by the family of three. "hey welcome! please come in" she said with a smile, letting them enter their house.

the house was fairly minimal but with a few more accent pieces spread across the house. ms. l/n bowed at mr. bokuto and introduced herself. "i don't believe we've met, i'm m/n l/n but please call me m/n!"

she glanced down and saw the little boy, she crouched down and ruffled his hair, "hey there! i'm m/n! nice to meet you"

the boy smiled and introduced himself "i'm koutarou bokuto!"

the family walked through the house to the dining room. there they met the father, f/n l/n. they took their seats and realized one seat was left open. "oh i almost forgot! silly me, koutarou i think you'll get bored so i have someone to keep you company"

m/n walked upstairs and after a few minutes walked down with a little girl in her arms, rubbing her eyes. she looked to be the same age as koutarou with h/l, h/c hair and e/c eyes. she was seated beside the little boy and yawned.

she looked beside her and her eyes widened but went back to normal with a big smile plastered on her face "hey! im l/n y/n. i'm six!" she says as she held up six fingers in front of her. koutarou returned the gesture and cheered.

"me too! me too! i'm bokuto koutarou and i'm six too!" he gave her a cheeky smile and extended his hands with six fingers showing.

the dinner commenced and everyone was enjoying the food. the adults were conversing amongst each other while the two children sitting in silence eating their food.

once dinner finished, mrs and mr.bokuto decided to help the l/n's with the dishes and cleaning up leaving y/n and koutarou alone together. "wanna go to my roon so we can play?" y/n asked.


they went up the stairs to y/n's bedroom, in the room wasn't very flashy, a bed, a closet, a shelf for toys, and a small desk with two chairs.

the two started playing with cars that koutarou found while digging in her toy box. they pretended they were in a high speed chase with each other. when they crashed their cars into each other they laughed, danced, and jumped around. eventually they got tired and lay on the floor. it was silent enough to hear both of their breathing.

"hey koutarou" y/n spoke up

"yeah y/n?" koutarou responded

"youre a fun friend to be around"

first chap done and its still bad. i had to refer to bokuto as koutarou because i thought it would be hard since his parents were there too. i'll refer to bokuto as bokuto from here on out.

bye bye byee!

-lynn <3

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