Decision - Chapter 12

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'It's today... the day I finally go to the Dangerous Ability Class.'

I looked at the others still soundly sleeping in my bed. Their faces looked comfortable, almost cherub like. Even Natsume seemed to lose his adult look, and regained his childlike features.

I looked outside, it was bright. I've never encountered anything so strange, everyone was sleeping so peacefully. Having my favorite characters surrounding me while they lay in bed was like a dream come true.

I shook my head to tell myself to stop fawning over them and to wake them up. We would probably be late for class and I would be the one to blame. I laughed quietly before getting out of bed and going to my closet. I picked out my uniform and quickly changed before going to the others to wake them up.

"Ugh... they looked so comfortable." My hand wavered before I quickly shook them awake. I watched as they all blinked their eyes open.

I quickly grabbed their uniforms and placed it at the foot of the bed before heading to my dresser and unsuccessfully tried combing my hair. My actions were filled with buoyancy and I couldn't help but tie a bow around my hair to act as a hair tie.

When I turned around everyone was still groggily dressing, I led Mikan and Hotaru to another part of the room to gain some privacy before leaving them to their own devices.

Once everyone was dressed, I grabbed their hair clips I bought during our trip to central town and clipped them into Mikan and Hotaru's hair before stylizing it a bit.

I looked at the others before grabbing my comb and combing their bed hair down. Not realizing that my personality was extremely different from yesterday, or questioning why they were letting me do it to them.

"Come on!" I said before rushing out of my room and running towards breakfast with a burst of energy. This continued on throughout the day until it was time for me to go to the class I was a bit wary about...the Dangerous Ability class.

I waved goodbye to the others and started heading towards the direction Narumi-Sensei pointed me in. Natsume-Kun ended up disappearing during the middle of class. Knowing the manga it was probably for a dangerous mission. I looked around lost.

"Why is this place so big?!" I whined in despair. Although the class was scary, I really wanted to meet Nobara-San and Youichi-Kun. My only mission was to get to the class at the moment.

I continued my trek before noticing a flash of raven hair. I struggled internally with my thoughts before walking towards it.


What unfolded beyond me was the sight of Natsume bruised and injured. 

'What mission could he have been assigned that caused him to look like this in only a few short hours?'

I walked closer and reached my hand out to him only for Natsume to slap it away and glare at me. I held my stinging hand feeling wronged before reaching my hand out again and touching him. I wished for Natsume to get better, all of a sudden the visible bruises began healing at an accelerated rate and the pain dissipated.

His short labored breaths gradually calmed down. He looked at me with a blank stare, and I break the silence.

"Where is the Dangerous Ability's Class? I think you're my best bet of getting there." I felt extremely bad because I knew Natsume had been running away from Persona, but at this point I was all out of options and heard Persona's method of punishment was less than savory. I hadn't acknowledged the fact that Natsume had healed almost fully, I just assumed my Alice only healed the visible injuries and went on to ask my question.

Natsume looked at me with a furrowed look between his eyebrows.

The silence was awkward between us before he gruffly said, "Follow me."

I did as he said until we ended up before a building that seemed to be close to a haunted house. I shook and mechanically turned my head to look at Natsume.

"Thanks for showing me the way, I don't need your guidance anymore." Before turning the opposite way of the door and back towards the empty expanse of freedom. Natsume grabbed the back of my sweater and I couldn't help but yell out my reluctance to go in. I even begged him to let my go. The building was too scary. Natsume's reaction was to hold up a flame in his palm and after that show of strength I could only meekly enter the building with him.

What awaited me were six other people. One adult and five students.

One of the children ran up to Natsume and asked to be held up. This must be Youichi-Kun. I looked at the other female in the group which happened to be Nobara-San. I couldn't wait to get to know her despite how cold she looked at the moment. In the manga I knew she was actually a truly kind-hearted person.

I ignored the other students, as I generally held little to no information on them and knew they were extremely strong. Sure, they changed at the end of the story, but right now they were my enemies.

"Ah, Natsume... what a surprise to see you here. What's more on your own violation." The man named Persona said with a twisted voice. He turned to look at me, and my heart began to pound in extreme fear.

"You brought the new student... it's a bit uncharacteristic of you."

I looked at Natsume, but he was facing the other way.

'It's okay Natsume,' I thought, I know what I'm getting myself into. However, the one who will help you get out of this situation will not be me, but Mikan-Chan.

Persona walked up to me, I could feel myself freeze with fear, but I didn't let it show on my face.

"You must be Merem...I have a mission for you."


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