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I know some of y'all probably wanna cuss me out for not giving y'all an update, I'm sorry😭😘

Mahaya's POV

Ever since the night at the club my relationship has completely gone to shit, in the past 2 weeks Khalil and I haven't talked to each other, he hasn't even been home. When I woke up the next morning after our argument he was nowhere to be found and some of his stuff was missing.

When I tried to call him the phone just rang until I was left with nothing but the sound of a voicemail, eventually I just stopped trying. He hasn't even called me to check on Shanna or just let me know he was ok.

I've been the main person taking care of her minus her grandparents and Evelynn getting her when they think I needed a break. I'm not gonna lie and say I've been able to handle the situation with Khalil and I cause I'm completely lost.

I spent the first week of him gone crying my eyes out. I just couldn't understand why he just up and left us and wouldn't think to call me. We've had arguments before but none of them ever resulted to something like this happening, wherever he is I just hope he's ok and he calls me soon.

I looked over to the empty spot on my bed where Shanna normally is, she's been at Evelynn's for the weekend and I'm finally getting her back today. Sitting in this house alone was not the move, I miss my baby.

Throwing on some sweat pants and shoes I grabbed my keys leaving the house on my way to Evelynn and Alex's house. Hearing my phone ring I look down to see she was calling me, "hello?" "Hey girl, did you plan on coming to get Shanna today or can I keep her for one more day....or forever?"

I busted out laughing while shaking my head at her question. "Bitch no! Y'all had her all weekend it's time to give me my baby back." She's been trying to convince me to let her keep my baby since the day she came home from the hospital. I know she really wants a baby but we all can see her and Alex aren't at that point yet.

I didn't think Khalil and I were either but our baby is here now and I wouldn't trade her for anything in the world.

" One day I'm gonna convince you to let me keep her, but anyway I stepped out real quick to go drop something off to my momma so she's at the house with Alex's ass who tried to hog her from me all weekend." I couldn't with these two, if it's not them fighting over the baby it's my mom and dad.

"Ok well I'm pulling up to your house so I'll call you when we made it back home." We ended the conversation as I was pulling up in her driveway. Getting out the car I knocked and waited for Alex to come to the door, I could hear laughing before he opened the door with a surprised look on his face once he seen me.

"Mahaya...heyyy what're you doing here?" I stared at him with my eyebrow raised in suspicion. "I came to get my baby, why're you acting weird?" I said looking at him up and down, he just kept looking from me to something in the house.

Rolling my eyes at his behavior I pushed past him to see Khalil sitting on the couch bouncing Shanna on his lap as she held one of her toys, I just stood there stuck as we locked eyes. I was feeling all types of different emotions right now and I didn't know which one to act on.

Instead of acting an ass in front of my baby I just went over to her bag and started to pack her stuff up, I completely ignored Khalil as I felt him staring at me. So many questions we're running though my head, where has be been? Has he been here this whole time? Why didn't Evelynn say anything?

After grabbing her bag I reached out to her signaling to give her to me but instead he just continued to bounce her on his lap, I looked over at Alex as he stood there looking between the both of us. I could hear Evelynn's voice getting closer to the door before she walked in and stopped dead in her tracks with the same shocked expression Alex had.

"What the hell?" Instead of saying something I went out to the car and set her bag down, when I turned around she was standing a few feet away from me. "Did you know he was here?" I said folding my arms over my chest, today was not the day to be playing games with me.

"I had no clue he was here! When I left the house it was just Alex and the baby, I haven't seen or heard from him since the night at the club. I asked Alex if he talked to him but he said no so now I see that was a fucking lie" she said as she balled up her fists.

"I'm not about to sit and play this petty ass game with him when I didn't do shit, if he wants to act funny then fine but I'm not leaving your house without my baby." Walking back inside the house I stopped when I seen Khalil hugging Shanna as she tried to wrap her little arms around him.

He got up and walked past me going to the door, when I made it back outside he was giving Shanna kisses before he started to put her in my car and buckle her up. He looked at me one last time before he went back inside, Evelynn who was still outside went over to Shanna kissing her forehead. " I don't know what the fuck is going on but I'm about to get to the bottom of it, call me when you two get home" she said hugging me.

Evelynn's POV

Walking back into my house I didn't know who I wanted to cuss out first, my stupid ass boyfriend for lying to me or Khalil's ass for leaving my best friend and godchild

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Walking back into my house I didn't know who I wanted to cuss out first, my stupid ass boyfriend for lying to me or Khalil's ass for leaving my best friend and godchild. Mahaya was a mess the first week he disappeared and guess who was there everyday to check on her and help out with the baby? EVERYBODY BUT KHALIL!

"Baby look-" I instantly held my hand up as sign for him to shut up, "WHERE THE FUCK HAS YOUR ASS BEEN? HMM? HOW FUCKING DARE YOU JUST UP AND LEAVE YOUR GIRLFRIEND AND DAUGHTER FOR TWO WEEKS? NO CALL NO TEXT NOTHING! I DON'T KNOW WHAT THE FUCK IS UP WITH YOU BUT YOU NEED TO GET YOUR SHIT TOGETHER RIGHT NOW!!" I yelled looking at Khalil who sat there with a stupid look on his face.


I couldn't believe I was really sitting here having to lecture these grown ass men, they just sat there with their heads down. "Khalil I don't hear any words coming out your mouth, explain" I said folding my arms.

"E look, I left the house that night after that whole club situation happened cause I wanted to cool off and give her some space. It was only supposed to be for 2 days but I had ended up just not coming back, I don't know why I didn't."

I scoffed , "Unbelievable, you need to take your ass home and apologize to Mahaya because she doesn't deserve to be treated the way you been doing her." With that I looked at both of them and went upstairs shaking my bed before I went upstairs.

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