Chapter Seven

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After school I come to his classroom with an air of caution. I haven't told Kitty about my going over to his house, and I'm not sure if I should. Plus, there's nothing really to tell her anyway. But it still feels weird. I know if any teacher knew about this they would sense something was going on between the two of us. But nothing has. Only a student and a teacher who are quite close and in some ways, have become friends. No one knows about the looks and cool stares he gives me, or the parting at the English Literature Event, where he gently kissed the back of my hand.

Walking down the corridor on the English floor, I really feel strange. It's like a hundred pairs of eyes are watching me like x-rays, making me feel guilty and self-conscious. But of course none of the teachers in their classrooms were. Why do I feel this way? I keep asking myself that. Am I feeling bad about it? Something in my conscience tells me that I should turn away now. Turn away from that classroom and never look back. But I can't shake the other part of my thoughts off; the part that is just dying to see what'll happen. I'm too curious, and much too entranced now to back away.

I pause outside the door for a moment, checking to see if he or anyone else is in there. He looks like he's in there alone, but he hasn't noticed me yet. I tuck back behind the corner of the door and pop a bit of tinted lip balm on. Then I comb my hair out a bit and then knock.

"Serena," he addresses me. I hesitate at the door that's just shut behind me. There is in fact a student there, sitting at the back of the classroom with their head hung. Judging by the size of the boy, he's probably a Year Eight or Nine. The boy looks up for a moment at me, then goes back to his sheet of paper and rests his head on his arm. It still feels more awkward with someone else there though.

"Hi Mr Brooke," I say nervously. I wonder what to say to him, because I can hardly announce why I've come here. But luckily, he covers for the both of us smoothly. So smoothly in fact, that I almost believe it myself.

"Right, I suppose you're here for the extra-curricular work?"

"Yes," I reply instantly.

"Okay, well I'm doing detentions this afternoon," he gestures over at the boy at the back. "Zac will be finished in five minutes. Could you sit down with a book for a bit?" I nod as he gives me a secret look that communicates he has a plan. I pull out my old book that's still in my school bag and read a few pages. But soon the boy's detention is over, and when Mr Brooke dismisses him he slopes out silently. There's a couple minutes of silence except for the rustling of papers on his desk, and then he stands up.

"Right," he announces with an air of finality, "Shall we be on our way then?"

I look up and put my book away. He's already heading for the door, and he holds it open for me as I go through.

"Thanks," I mutter in response. He gives a small nod of his head.

As we walk down the hall, my heart is still hammering in my chest. This isn't technically the first time we're alone together, but it might as well be. I'm praying to God he makes small talk, because I'm really poor at that kind of stuff. Thankfully, as we move through the school he talks about my essays and tests looking good, and how I have been doing some great work. It's a bit weird when he takes me out through the back entrance though. Only teachers are allowed to use that entrance at the very back corner of the school. It's the other side of the Arts block, and hidden by a few tall trees. I understand why he did it however. I guess it would be pretty curious to see a teacher and student leaving the school together.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2020 ⏰

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