Chapter 2- What about now?

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Harry didn't know what to think. Perhaps Draco was making fun of him once more. Perhaps he wasn't. How was he supposed to know what the guy standing in front of him meant? He disappeared for years after that stupid meaningless kiss. But was it meaningless really? Maybe it wasn't for him, and that's why he walked away. Harry's mind was on fire with this new thoughts. He didn't knew why, but this new adventure made him feel alive again. This, this felt right. Normal didn't quite fit Harry Potter's life, it never did and Harry knew Draco was the definition of trouble, maybe that's why this sudden feeling felt so right to him.

"You have no right to walk in here like that, Malfoy. Just shove off"- Ron Weasley appeared behind Harry and looked at the blonde venomously.

"Last time I checked, Weasley, everyone was invited to the wedding."

"Do you want to mess Harry's life once moree? Aren't you done with that yet? No one wants you here! You tell him Harry!"

"I'm saving him from a mistake. I think he deep down knows I'm right."- Draco smirked at the confused raven boy in front of him.

"Ron can you please.. uhm.. go back to your place? I'll go back in a second."- Harry finally spoke and Ron nodded, walking away.- "Do you know how disrespectful it is, Malfoy? You know they don't have any money, this wedding was too expensive for them to afford for you to come and ruin it!"

"Didn't Saint Rich Potter pay it? You must really love the Weaslette."- Draco smirked again- "I'll pay it."


"If you say no to her, I'll pay the Weasleys every galleon they spent on this wedding."

Harry looked at Draco shocked.

"And why would you do that?"

"I think you know why. Now, this sudden bravery of mine is fading away because people are staring, but remember I went all Gryffindor for you. Don't do it"- Draco tried to sound polite, but Harry could sense he was practicly begging for him not to marry Ginny.

Harry turned his back on Draco and went back to the altar. Ginny smiled, thinking this meant he had asked Malfoy to leave and so did Ron, but Hermione was not so sure of that.

Ron Weasley was always considered Harry Potter's best friend, but when it came to who knew Harry the best, Hermione Granger had the spotlight. She knew Harry better than she knew herself. And she knew Harry wasn't going to marry Ginny in any way possible after this little talk with Malfoy. He had always been reckless when it came to decisions and pretty much always chose the hard, stupid, irresponsible way to get something. Hermione knew this would be the case again. Because marrying Ginny, well, it meant finally a peace of mind, but going with Draco meant trouble.

And Harry was all in for the trouble.

So when he arrived at the altar, he kissed Ginny's forehead and said:

"Forgive me. I can't do this."- and he ran out of the church as fast as he could not knowing what was he supposed to do now. He couldn't find Draco anywhere. He couldn't go back after what he had done, he couldn't face his own best friend and never stay at the Weasley's again. They would never forgive him.

What about now...? What about now? What have I done? Harry couldn't stop the crazy amount of thoughts he was filled with right now. At least not until he felt a hand on his shoulder.

"You did it. You actually did it..."- Draco stared at Harry, clearly surprised.

"I just ruined my life for you, you git! For this stupid, crazy thing I don't know what is! Why Malfoy? I bet this feels extremely good to you, seeing my life ruined because you had to come and make me confused about how I feel! I should be there marrying Ginny, and not here with you!"

"Then, why are you?"- Draco raised an eyebrow.

"Does it matter? I've lost the only family I've ever had! And you know what the worst part of this is?"- Harry breathed in- "This actually feels right."

Draco smiled and stared at Harry's emerald green eyes, who seemed able to crash at any moment. He needed to do something.

"You didn't lose them. If anyone's going to understand, it's them. Plus, your happiness comes first."

"Oh you think Ron is going to understand that I just left his sister at the altar and ran away with Draco Malfoy? Because I think he Bloody wont!"

"You said this felt right. That's what should matter, Potter."

"But does it? I don't know! You'll have to prove it to me, that I didn't do a Bloody mistake."

Draco walked to Harry, stopping a few millimeters away so their lips were close enough for Harry to sense Draco's breath. He then said:

"If there's anything I plan on doing, is showing you how better I am than the Weaslette."- he stopped and whispered in Harry's ear- "In so many ways."

Harry felt it again. Chills down his spine as he remembered their first kiss. Whatever that kiss was, it wasn't meaningless and Harry was sure of that now.

"What about now?"

"Now, you come with me. Malfoy Manor sounds good to you?"

"I don't have anywhere else to go. I think anything sounds good to me."

Draco grabbed Harry's hand and walked to the Malfoy Manor, feeling happy with himself. One simple act of bravery and he had what he wanted for years. He murmured:

"Maybe Gryffindor's aren't so bad.."

𝙩𝙝𝙖𝙩 𝙨𝙝𝙤𝙪𝙡𝙙 𝙗𝙚 𝙢𝙚➹drarryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora