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CHAPTER TWENTY ONETHE GROUNDER WENT KABOOM"my doctors can't explain my symptoms or my pain"˚✧₊⁎*⁎⁺˳✧༚

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"my doctors can't explain my symptoms or my pain"

     Distressed look plastered on his face with a hood draped over his bald head to cover up his identity, Dylan was shocked to see Lincoln standing inside of her tent. A tent that was literally located in the middle of the camp.   

     She sprung to her feet, staring wide eyed at the grounder, quickly glancing over his shoulder to check for anyone before pulling him into the tent fully.

     "What the hell are you doing here?" She hissed, glaring at him. It wasn't like she was mad that he was here, or that she didn't want to see him. In fact, she was thrilled to see him standing there. It made a comforting feeling settle in her gut. Dylan knew he was alive and well. And as stupid as it may sound since the two barely knew each other and had barely been separated for a day, she had missed him. Like, really missed him.

     "I needed to see you." He breathed, his hands softly finding her cheeks. His eyes scanned her face for any injuries, or signs of the virus. He noted that she was still a little pale looking, and that judging by the way her eyes squinted a slight bit more then usual she was tired, but other then that, she was fine. He pulled her into a hug, her small frame tumbling into his chest. He secured his arms around her, hugging her tightly. "I'm so glad that you're okay."

     Dylan slowly hugged back, hurrying her head in his chest, letting her nostrils fill up with the familiar scent of him. Her eyes dropped closed for a moment, both simply relishing in the feeling of being in one another's arms. She slowly pulled away from the hug, eyes finding his. "You snuck into camp just to see if I was okay? If Bellamy or someone else had seen you, you could've been killed, Linc." She scowled. Lincoln grinned at her. She cares, he thought.

     "Look, I'm leaving, and I'm here to beg you to come with me. Dyl, you're going to die." Her face dropped, and she took a large step away from him, slowly shaking her head.

     "Lincoln, you know I can't. These are my people. I can't just turn my back on them and run. That's not how things work." Lincoln frowned deeply. He knew it probably was no use, but he had to at least try. Unbeknownst to her, that's exactly what he had done to his people by being with her. But he understood. If she ran away, and her people did survive, they would label her a traitor. Dylan wasn't some pet he could grab and stash away. She had family and friends she would miss, and who would miss her. It would be selfish of him to ignore those facts.

     Quite frankly Dylan wanted nothing more then to ride into the sunset with Lincoln, and have a happily ever after like those princess' she had read about in all those fairytales. But Dylan was no princess, and this was most definitely no fairytale. If anything, it was a horror story. So she couldn't neglect the ones she cared for just because she wanted to run off with this guy. That was just not how the real world worked.

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