Lies - Moceit

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Patton sighed as the tattoo on his arm lit up, glowing a bright blue. The small rectangle that decorated his wrist had been doing that more often recently and it bothered him. It meant his soulmate was lying. A lot. And he couldn't help but wonder why. Was he lying to hide something? Or to deceive someone? The thought made him incredibly uneasy.

It was also a painful reminder of what he couldn't find.

The tattoos had appeared on their wrists when Thomas had turned 18. It had come as a surprise to all of them (expect Roman, naturally) considering they weren't technically people but, he guessed they were real enough to have soulmates.

The others had figured it out pretty quickly, standing in a circle taking it in turns to tell very obvious lies. Logan hadn't been impressed when Roman's wrist had lit up upon saying his eyes were green, but they had grown on each other.

Virgil didn't know who his soulmate was, and he wasn't interested in finding him. He was happy on his own, or so he said. No one was really sure how truthful he was being. Well, except his soulmate of course.

Patton too didn't know who his soulmate was, but unlike Virgil, he was desperate to find him. The thought that he was out there, he just out of his field of vision, was agonising. He didn't talk about it much around the others, and they had learned to stay away from the subject.

He kept his hand in his pocket as much as he could. Seeing it light up periodically made his stomach churn. He did the same now, hiding the blue glow from sight and retuning his focus to the cookies he was baking.

He reached out to tap one, testing their temperature and immediately pulling his hand back with a muffled yelp. He stuck his burnt finger into his mouth and sighed. Still too hot then.

Soon enough, the tattoo on his wrist was forgotten about as he busted himself with cleaning the kitchen; he had made quite a mess, as usual. But it was still there, in his pocket or half obscured by bracelets, still glowing, almost pulsing with that blue light. Constantly.


Janus wasn't like the other sides; he didn't care about this whole soulmate nonsense. In fact, he didn't have one. Since that tattoo had appeared on his wrist it has stayed the same, a plain black rectangle. At first he had thought it was because he soulmate just never lied, but after a year and a half of no change, a year and a half without even the slightest blue glimmer he had given up hoping. He had the tattoo because Thomas had the tattoo, the same way he would have coloured hair if Thomas dyed his hair. It didn't mean anything.

He had covered it with long sleeves and gloves, barely spared it a thought. It hurt, of course, seeing the other sides, their excitement and hope when their tattoos glowed. The hope that they would one day find their other half. He ones who already had, seeing them was worse. That serious faced nerd how looked like fun was an alien word to him and Remus' normal twin. They were lucky.

Janus pushed those thoughts away quickly, scolding himself, straightening his shirt and adjusting his hat. It didn't matter. He was fine without a soulmate. He didn't need one.

He sighed and went to spin on his heel, instead yelping and stumbling backwards, his hat almost falling of his head. Remus was standing right behind him, so close their noses almost brushed.

"Hey J," Remus said. His grin was unnervingly wide and he didn't appear to be blinking. Which wasn't unusual but still mildly creepy.

Janus sighed and took a deep breath, composing himself. "What do you want Remus?"

Remus took a step back, thankfully, and looked around him. "Good question. I was going to ask you to help me with something but I've forgotten what it was," he shrugged. "Ah well, never mind. Wanna help me steal Roman's sword?"

(CLOSED REQUESTS) Sanders Sides Soulmate AU one shots Where stories live. Discover now