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May woke up early the next day, eager to see her friend. As she had not seen Megan for a while and therefore wanted to make a good impression, May laid out outfit upon outfit, repeatedly deciding that it looked too childish, too grownup, not fancy enough, or not plain enough.

Once she had decided on an outfit, which turned out to be a cozy cream jumper that May had been given for Christmas and a pair of old, worn jeans with a pair of cheap trainers with them, May picked up her old satchel and wheeled up the long, mainly uphill journey to Megan's house.

The bitter cold stung May's face as she rubbed her hands together to warm them up, as her gloves were so rubbish that they didn't even help one bit. Barely able to see for all of the hair on her face, May kept going and after what felt like forever, but was actually only one hour, arrived at Megan's doorstep.

Megan's house was an old Victorian three-story house with original windows and door. May lifted her frozen hand and knocked on the door. Almost instantly, the door opened and Megan gave May a massive hug.
'Hi!' Megan screamed happily at May.'I've not seen you in ages! How are you?'
May was dragged inside and was forced to get a makeover from Megan. In fact, Megan did a great job. While May looked like she was a film star straight of a movie set, she felt as if she wasn't actually there under all of the makeup she was wearing.

When it came to May's turn to do Megan's makeup, Megan ended up looking like a clown, even when she did her absolute best. Too much red lipstick, luminous green eyeshadow and luminous pink blusher was applied, leaving her looking stupid.

After that they played a game of truth or dare. It was May's turn first and of course, she chose dare.
'I dare eat one of those sweets!' Megan pointed to the onion/chilli/jalapeño/sugar/soap flavoured sweets. As May swallowed them down, she nearly threw up. The were disgusting!

After Megan chose dare, it was May's turn to choose what Megan had to do. She eventually settled on a seemingly simple and easy dare. It was;
'I dare go to the park and go around the kids' play park singing ba ba black sheep.' Megan and May raced to the park and then Megan completed her dare.

May was asked again, so again she chose dare. She had to go to the middle of the shopping centre and do the Macarena, complete with singing. When she arrived she noticed Luke was there. He was in the shop beside the middle of the centre, so it was impossible for him to see May, or so she thought. May completed her dare and then realised that Luke was looking at her, smirking.

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