Chapter 6

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Cidalia's POV

After a couple of hours, the door opened again. I still had not moved one muscle. I was thirsty and hungry, but I did not dare to drink some of the water the girl brought me before, nor ask for some food. I knew I had to stay obedient to convince the governor that he should let me out of here. He had to see that I am still his dirigible doll which would do everything for his satisfaction. I was nothing more than a tool for his plans and I need to behave and stay in place! I did not look up when the person entered the room. It was probably the governor. I heard a chair moved in front of my bed. The person harrumphed to draw my attention towards him. I nodded to signalize him that I was aware of his presence.

>>You seem quite frightened my dear...<< What is this voice?! That is not the governor. Does he still want to keep me locked up in here?! >>Cidalia Emelin Rientina Astreya Bennington; that is your name; isn't it?!<<

Finally, I lifted my head and looked at a man at his nearly forties. He had black hair and wore a black suit. His style was fashionable. Who is he; and more importantly how does he know my name?! Only a few people knew my full name. The public usually knows me under the name 'White Lily'...

>>Are you surprised that I know your name?! Should I call you 'White Lily' instead? The Princess of the Bennington family. Pure, innocent, and beautiful like a flower. Locked up in her golden cage where no one can reach the powerful and rare plant. Hidden from everyone and everything. The existence of the beautiful flower of the Bennington family, which no one saw before, remains a secret. I must admit it was kind of hard to gather some information about you<<

I was shocked; how did he know all of this. I am just known as the beautiful Princess of the Bennington family who is engaged to the most amazing enchanter in this society. Only high classed enchanters know my appearance. >>Who are you?<< I spoke for the first time I woke up in this place. I still never wanted to raise my voice, but the situation changed. That was not the governor's work. This person right in front of me had something planned and he needed me to fulfill his main goal.

The man in front of me took a long pause before answering my question. It drove me crazy not knowing who he was and where he got his information about me. I looked into his green eyes; they nearly had the same color as mine. Wait they are equal to my father's eyes! My sight changed into a shocked and surprised expression. He smiled when he realized that I just discovered our nearly identical eyes.

>>You see, your grandmother had the exact same eyes as you have my dear!<< I looked at him with disbelieve. What did he just say! >>It's nice to meet you Cidalia. It's a pity that I haven't met my niece before yet.<<

>>What!!!<< I screamed in shock. Did he just say niece?! >>You want to tell me, that you are my uncle?! How come that I have never met you?<<

>>You really wonder about that? I thought you figured it out by now but you're not as smart as I hoped you'd be.<<

>>That was rude!<< I pounded at his words.

>>Come on Cidalia don't act like a little kid, aren't you happy to finally meet your uncle!?<< He chuckled.

>>Hmm... let me think about it... actually no; I am not!<< I shouted at him. >>All those years you did not even care about me. Have you ever in the slightest second thought about how I live?! You knew my father since you were kids, you should know how horrible he is!!! What he did to me! WHAT MY WHOLE FAMILY DID TO ME!!! WHY SHOULD YOU BE ANY DIFFERENT!!! YOU LITERELLY KIDNAPPED ME!!! WHO WERE EVEN THOSE THREE PERSONS WHO SHOWED UP IN MY PRISON CALLED 'HOME'? DID YOU PAY THEM TO KIDNAP ME AND BRING ME HERE?! AND NOW WHAT?! DO YOU WANT MONEY FROM MY FATHER?! WELL JUST CALL HIM; HE WILL PAY YOU OFF BECAUSE HE STILL NEEDS ME FOR HIS SOCIAL REPUTATION! << I usually suppressed all my anger; actually, all my emotions, because they just stood in my way to act as the dirigible doll my father always wants to see. But right now, I could not stop myself. The whole situation was too much for me. All my screaming and crying led the other ones down to my room. The two girls and the man with those amazing eyes which I cannot seem to look away from were standing at the door.

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