Chapter 17

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"Sorry that happened to you,"  Ciri said after draining her flagon.  "But from what you've described I don't think you have elder blood.  Regardless, whether Avellac'h will know what to do to help you is another thing."

"I hope he does," Cass sighed into her mug, "because being caught last time was terrifying."

Eskel placed his calloused hand on hers which she squeezed back reassuringly.  Cass scooted closer so the two of them were practically touching, there was something about being close that was a comfort she had grown used to.   Here sitting in this corner, close and relaxed, just felt familiar - right even.

Ciri cast a glance between the two but continued. "Yes, what worries me is this Volyon. If he's anything like Eredin then the less time we spend in the open the better.  If you two have anything you need to finish in the area before we go I suggest doing so now."

Pushing away from the table Eskel cleared his throat.  "I just have one thing, won't take long."

"Want me to come with you?"  Cass gave him a playful wink.

"No," he retorted almost to quickly, scratching the back of his neck. Pushing back out of the heavy seat made the half finished beer lurch from the force. "It's just a witcher matter.  Really.  I'll be faster alone on this one."

The sudden coolness next to her made Cass' heart sink.

"Oh, ok." 

Without missing a beat he turned to leave.

"Sure Eskel," Ciri called playfully as Eskel strode past the barkeep. "Just make sure you finish paying the tab.  It's only fair since you came in last, and collected the bounty from the basilisk."

Acknowledging her point with a wave, he dropped a pouch of coins on the counter and continued on his way out.  The broken door nearly clipping his heels.

The rest of the inn was busy enough, but Cass suddenly felt alone.  Other than her brief, albeit terrifying capture, she hadn't really been alone without Eskel.  Pushing her mug away she sighed after the door.

"So..."  Ciri raised one eyebrow.  "What's with you and Eskel?"

"Me and Eskel?"  Cass' eyes met the young witcheress.  A blush raced across Cass' cheeks.    "Nothing, we... we've just been travelling together for a while, that's all."

"Oh, I don't think that's all."  Sliding her stool so they were beside each other, Ciri pushed Cass' mug back in front of her with a grin.    "I've known Eskel my whole life, and I've never seen him so emotional.  It's more than just 'travelling companions'."

A wave of butterflies hit her gut- who knew butterflies could hurt- and it told her Ciri might have a point.  More and more as the two of them had journeyed together and faced crazy wild situations they had really gotten to know one another.  Deep behind his rugged and menacing exterior was an honest, just, and caring man.

Sure they had quarreled on occasion, but who didn't. She loved how he put up with her less than funny jokes on their long rides. She had come to enjoy talking with him, from small quips to long drawn out discussions of life. Sure each still had their own secrets but it was something they had begun to trust one another with.  

They had really been there for each other.  Fought beside one another.  When Eskel was near she felt safe.  When it came to swordsmanship training he had been patient, and quick to give pointers. Never had he made her feel feeble or useless.  On the contrary, he helped her realize she was stronger than she gave herself credit.

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