7. Jungkookie is upset :(

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'Where did he say his job was? Why can't I remember a single thing about him?' Jimin thought as he waited outside the restaurant for his date to arrive. He checked his phone again to see if his date had messaged him. 

It had been fifteen minutes since Jimin came to the restaurant. They had decided to meet at 5, but his date was late. 

The street was empty and so was the restaurant. There were literally four people in it. Jimin looked around the silent lane, hoping Yoongi would show up. The silence was soon cut by the ringing of his phone.

"Hello? Ah, Jungkook-ah! What is it?" Jimin asked. "Are you busy?" Jungkook asked. "I'm waiting for my date to come, so I am not busy yet" Jimin said. "Ohh, it's okay, then. You enjoy! I'll call you later" Jungkook said, his voice breaking at the end.

"Yah! What's wrong? Did something happen?" Jimin asked. "N-Nothing! I just wanted to have some ice cream with you" Jungkook said. Jimin could swear he just heard sniffling on the other side. "Jungkookie, seriously! Is something wrong? Why are you crying?" he asked. 

"I am not crying" Jungkook whined. This time, Jimin could confirm the fact that Jungkook's voice was breaking like hell. "Don't even think of lying. What's wrong?" he asked. 

"Nothing is wrong! My life is perfect! Nothing is bothering me! I just wanted to have ice cream with you. Why are you being mean?!" Jungkook whined, breaking down on the other side. "Kookie, shh, shh. Whatever it is, it will be fine, okay?" Jimin said, getting concerned. 

"How can it be fine when the ship has already sunk?" Jungkook sobbed. "Huh? What? What ship?" Jimin racked his brain, thinking of someone Jungkook knew who might have been on a voyage or something. He couldn't think of anyone like that. 

"He died just now" Jungkook sobbed louder, making Jimin gasp. "WHO DIED?!?" Jimin asked. "Jack died" Jungkook cried. 

Jimin took a whole minute to understand what Jungkook was talking about. 

"YAH!! IF YOU DON'T HANG UP IN THREE SECONDS, I'M GOING TO BURY YOUR SORRY ASS IN PIG DUNG, YOU GET IT?" Jimin yelled the second he realized that Jungkook was talking about Titanic. 

"I feel so baadd" Jungkook whined. "I DON'T CARE! HANG UP IF YOU DON'T WANNA SMELL LIKE PIG DUNG FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE" Jimin threatened. 

"Okay. See you soon. Get some ice cream for me" Jungkook mumbled and hung up. Jimin let out an exasperated sigh. "Ugh! Is he a kid or what?" he grumbled as he stomped his foot. 

"No, Jimin-ssi! I'm not a kid" Yoongi said, standing right behind Jimin and scaring the shit out of him. Jimin whipped his head back with wide eyes. "Y-You're here" he said, placing a hand on his racing heart. 

"I'm sorry for being late. I'm really sorry. But something urgent came up and it needed my attention" Yoongi said. "Ohh, it's okay. No problem. Let's go inside" Jimin said, gesturing him to follow him. 

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