Bad News;

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Tsukiko stepped off the ship shortly after they docked on the island, she walked beside Killer behind Kid as they whispers started as the villagers saw the Kidd Pirates walking in their small town. Tsukiko was given the chore to gather food since during kitchen cleanup she may or may not have thrown cold oatmeal at Killer only to miss him and hit right as her captain and lover walked in the door,  making a splat sound on his face before landing on his fur coat.

Killer handed her the list as Kid gave her one more menacing look before they went to find more ammunition. Heat patted her on her head when she pouted at Kids angry look at her. 

Tsukiko walked thru the market district putting things in her wagon as she walked. Women with their small children turned away the mothers hiding the children from view. Tsukiko stopped at the fruit vendor and gave the old woman a small smile knowing she'd get nothing in return and like she thought she was right. This is the only part of being a pirate that Tsukiko hated being treated like she had a contagious killable illness. . The green haired woman placed items on her cart calling out what she was grabbing before looking for the woman for the total. The woman gruffly shot out the price as Tsukiko handed over the bells. "Have a great day." Tsukiko spit out sweetly with a wide smile, gritting her teeth tightly together and rolled her eyes as she walked away from the woman.

"Tsukiko." A woman's soft voice floated beside her, her red eyes looked at a woman with tan skin, piercing teal eyes and white hair dressed in a cloak that was such a dark shade of blue it almost looked black. "Let me read your palm.." her hand outstretched towards the other woman. 

"No offense but I don't really believe in that." Tsukiko said as she started a walk again. 

"But I knew your name young one." 

Tsukiko sighed and looked into her eyes. "That's because I'm a pirate and a wanted one at that so my face and name are everywhere. Now, leave me alone and let me shop." 

The woman clicked her tongue at her and smiled. "As you wish. Just be aware your life is about to change for the worst.." 

Tsukiko sighed as she kept walking, her eyes looking at the wagon to make sure no one swiped anything while she was preoccupied. "Okay, everything is here and he won't be even angier at me." Tsukiko muttered to herself with a sigh. Tsukiko looked at the tall tower in the middle of the town and sighed knowing she should head back since she was just wondering around. When she made it back to the ship Wire was leaning against the ship covered in blood. Tsukiko ran to her friend and knelt down. "What happened!?" 

Wire looked at the woman and saw the worry in her eyes and it made him wince knowing it would be turning to anger soon. "It's not mine." 

Tsukiko looked around, no other crew members were here and the ship was silent. "Where are the others?" her voice was laced with concern and worry was evident all over her face. She turned when she heard footsteps coming. Killer's mask was slightly cracked but it still covered is face. She stood on her feet looking at him. "Where-"

"Everyone get on the ship carry what you can up for supplies until we get somewhere safe!" Killer yelled to everyone and handed her a case of oranges and pointed up. "NOW!" 

Within minutes the food and supplies she bought were on board and Tsukiko walked to Killer as they pulled the anchor up. "Killer-" 

"Not now Tsukiko." Killer snapped as he barked orders at Heat and Wire. "We need to go, Marianes are on the way." 

"WHERE IS KID!?" Tsukiko shouted at him her hand stretched out and stopping the blood flow in his legs causing the first mate to crumple to the ground.

"He challenged Red Hair Shanks and lost, He ordered us to get you and go and he'd find us in a day or two." Killer said his head turning to her, the shock realised him of her deadly hold he let out a small breath when he felt the heat returning to his legs as he stood up, his legs felt like they were on pins and needles as he walked.

"He'll be okay." Heat said placing hand on her shoulder snapping her back into reality. 

"HE'S OUR CAPTAIN AND YOU JUST LEFT HIM!?" Tsukiko shouted at Killer, her red eyes flaring in anger as she looked to the other men on the ship who were with him. 

"He's our captain and he gave us an order." Killer said, his voice deadly calm. 

Tsukiko gritted her teeth hearing the squeaking grind as she walked away, her red eyes filled with tears as her lip quivered as she shut the door and sliding down in as she covered her mouth to hide her sobs. 

Killer knocked on the door to the captain's quarters for the third day in a row. Tsukiko hasn't eaten much of anything. Heat had left trays of food out in the hall and she nibbled here and there. Killer held the paper in his hand, Tsukiko was already in a dark place and this would push her over even more, or send her into a murderous rage Killer didn't know which was scarier. 

The door opened and the woman opened it, her green hair was greasy tied in a mess mop on her head and under her eyes were dark circles and her eyes bloodshot. "What?" 

Killer handed her the paper and waited as she read it. 

Eustass Kid has been captured after a fight with Red Hair Shanks, during the fight he lost an arm. His crew is still at large. 

Killer stared at the door Tsukiko slammed in his face, out of all the options he had come up with in his head, her retreating and not killed him immediately was not on the top of his list. 

Sea of Blood {One Piece: Kid x OC}Where stories live. Discover now