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It's dark on the streets of a small rural town. The camera pans down onto the image of a darkened house.


The camera glides through the main hallway of a house. Everything is dark, with just a hint of street lights from outside peering through the window, barely illuminating the scene. The house is lived in by a family, obvious from the occasional toy visible as we proceed further into the domicile.

The view changes to a glance from within a room off of the main hallway. We can still see, just barely, with the room being illuminated by an outside light source pouring in.

Back to the hallway, we begin gliding towards a staircase, and ascend.


Our view pans from black into an open shot of a little girls room. We see the profile shot of the little girl who sleeps in this room, only she is not asleep. Instead she is sitting up on her bed, with the blankets pulled up close to her, while she is in a huddled position, watching the doorway.

The little girls face is glistening with tears, her eyes dashing wildly around the room, something has her spooked, and she acts as though she senses something advancing on her.

A colorful drawing of a kitten is tacked to the wall, it flaps in the breeze produced from an open window. The camera changes focus tot he little girl, scared by the sudden noise.

There are toys, hanging out of their box, piled and scattered on the floor around it. A ball rolls away from the pile.

The child's eyes follow the ball as she pulls the blankets closer to her face, covering her moth and nose.

From behind the child's head the view glides from left to right as we see the bedroom door open slightly. A loud creaking noise can be heard. 

The child's eyes widen in fear and she pulls up the blankets tighter to her face.

From behind the little girl, staring towards the now slightly open door, we see no further signs of movement from the doorway. 

She puts the blankets down and begins to move on her knees closer to the door.

Looking up towards the ceiling, along side of the foot-board of the bed, the little girl can be seen creeping her head over the edge, eyes peering towards the darkness of the floor below.

A quick shot of the room, we see a sudden movement. Shadow like with a source not entirely identifiable.

The little girl is facing towards the bottom the bed, she moves her head and looks to the side.

Her face shows that she is frightened still, possibly even more-so now. 

Her eyes move from side to side, Then look down.

Moving from a wide position at the side of the bed, floor level, the view dollies inward as we see the girls hand drop down and grab the bed skirt.

From under the dark bed we see the skirt lift and slowly the little girls face appears, peering into  the darkness.

We change to a POV, as the girl we are now looking under the bed, suddenly the loud sound of a cat growling and hissing occurs as a cat jumps out from the darkness.

The little girl jumps up and back onto the bed scared, her heart races, but she realizes what jumped at her now and calms down.


Kitty! ... You scared me!

The little girl breathes a sign of relief and cuddles into her kitten as it jumps into her lap.

We see the little girl side on, cuddling her kitten, the view pans out wide and reveals a tall figure staring at her in the dark from the other side of her room. It's head lifts to show a glimmer in its eyes.


A large cloaked figure is dragging a burlap sack behind him, moving out of view. The camera pans backward, moving through an open window back into The little girls room.


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