What being a little is like

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Being a little is a fundamentally a very free headspace and looks and feels incredibly different for everyone. Some littles like playing with toys and sucking on pacifiers, some prefer doing no childish activities at all. Some want to be in a littlespace all the time and never do grown up things, while others enjoy littlespace as an occasional getaway. Some littles behave like children of a specific age, and some littles just mix and match characteristics of children of all ages and do their thing. Some littles use littlespace as therapy to deal with anxiety or depression, while others go into littlespace just for fun.
I'm a little. For me, being little is an escape from the stresses of everyday life. I struggle with anxiety and self confidence issues on a daily basis, and being in littlespace makes me forget that. When I'm little, pretty much the only negative thoughts that go through my mind are how I wasn't allowed sugar after brushing my teeth or how there's hair in my mouth that my caregiver can't successfully remove for me.

I am not in littlespace nearly as often as I would like, but try my best to think of myself and whatever anxiety triggers I face through little-me's positive perspective. I have not been able to regress without a caregiver, which is the main reason it's not a common occurrence for me.
The important thing to understand is that whatever you enjoy doing as a little, however often you enjoy littlespace, and whatever your reason for enjoying littlespace, you are all valid as littles and should NOT under ANY circumstances feel like you are doing it wrong. As long as you're happy and you're not hurting anyone else, that's all that matters.

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