Chapter 6

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No ones pov

The fight continued as they tried to reach Tiger Lily. She floated back down with a small thud. She found a moment to get her breathing correct and gain strength to stand up again. She turned around and saw the pirates still fighting but one did and pointed his gun at her and shot.

"She is the Niobi," Peter Pan said

Everything was almost silent and she tumbled down the steps of the small temple. Lucky for her Hook was making his way towards her.

"Las, are you ok?" Captain Hook questioned worried

"Hurts," She groaned trying time get up but winced holding her side.

"It's going to be ok," Captain Hook said and Blackbeard ripped a sleeve from his shirt and wrapped it around her shirt causing to wince more.

"You going to be okay," Blackbeard said comforting and she gave a smile. He gave her hand a reassuring squeeze and shot the man that shit her.

"We must get you on the ship before you pass out," Hook said but spoke to soon when she went limp.

"I'll carry her," Blackbeard said already getting up.

They walked quickly back to the Jolly Roger and thank god two doctors are pirates. They put her in a spare room and laid her down.

1 hour later

"How is she?" Blackbeard ask worried

Hook casually walked up looking at the two doctors. The closed the door behind them.

"She lost some blood so she needs rest," One spoke

"We were also were able to bring down the fever," The other doctor said leaving

Captain Hook opened the door and noticed her laying still and a bit hot so he placed hook on her forehead as a cold compress. Blackbeard walked in and crouched down holding her hand. For moment he seemed vulnerable with her and that was a rare sight anyone has seen him.

"I will sail beside you until she wakes," Blackbeard said before leaving back to his ship.

"Las, you are always getting yourself into trouble. Much like my Dela. I hoped you were her and part me wished you are. If you don't want to go home then I think you should stay with me," Hook said

"But right now when you wake I promise to be better. Even if I'm not your father, I can be." Hook said getting up to let her rest some more.

Then the day continues when sometimes they checked to see if she had a fever and tried to have her drink water.

Five hours later

Dela woke up with a slight groan. Her ribs sore and the bullet wound healed up nicely which was odd. Slowly she got up and opened the door. Meanwhile, in Hooks cabin he's over on his desk passed out drunk. She slowly winced going down the stairs and the pirates suddenly stopped and stared up.

Wibbles went up to help her down the stairs and over on her right Blackbeard's ship. He turned his head and smiled.

"Some said he didn't sleep and kept asking for you," Smee whispered

"Hey stranger," Dela said flirty

"You're okay!" Blackbeard exclaimed walking over the plank to the Jolly Roger.

"Missed me already Eddy," Dela teases some more when he hugged her carefully.

"Yet my bride still has her humor," Blackbeard said

"Not your bride," Dela said

"Not yet love. I promise thats my goal," Blackbeard said holding her chin up and leaned in to kiss her. The burst of full energy had her kissing back and they pulled away and he walked back still in a daze.

"I'll hold you to it Captain," Dela said with a wink as he kinda tripped on his ship causing her to laugh. And he tipped his hat and sailed away.

Fifteen minutes later

Hook groaned waking up with a small headache. He heard voices and singing. Curious he got up hearing the men sing.

Yo ho yo ho
a pirates life for me
We pillage, we plunder, we rifle, and loot
Drink up, me 'earties, yo ho

Everything was more happier. He threw on a shirt and staggered a bit and regained his stance. Then he walked out and noticed the pirates singing about. Meanwhile, Dela was standing facing the horizon. He stood towards the middle and stared up and she turned around smiling.

"Dad!" She shouted and tackled him in a hug. He felt his body froze up when she hugged him. So many thoughts ran through his mind so many emotions.

"Are you?" Captain Hook finally spoke trying to piece together.

"It's me dad. Dela," She said through tears

Captain Hook felt tears streaming down his face with happiness.

"I've been looking for you for so long," Captain Hook said with a crack in his voice

"So was I," Dela cried a bit ignoring the throbbing pain in her ribs.

It was late in the afternoon and the pirates present her a birthday cake with 18 written on it and began to sing happy birthday. Soon they were eating and taking a break. They sat down and Dela laid her head on her fathers shoulder smiling.

"We are heading home Delly," Hook said

"Home is where you go dad," Dela said

Every pirate went back to assisting around the ship and Dela held a deep thought expression similar to Captain Hooks. He noticed and placed his hook on her shoulder. She stared at his hook and she looked back at him.

"What happened?" Dela asked staring up

"That blasted beast bite my hand off," Captain Hook said taking hook showing it to her. He doesn't do it often in fact rarely but maybe it wouldn't freak her out.

Then something magically happened. She reach out touching it and he felt her magic course and suddenly his hand began to appeared under her glowing hand as her face concentrated until his whole hand held hers.

She opened her eyes and he stared down at his hand.

"You are truest Dela," Hook said with a heavy laugh

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