Anouncing to our parents that we are getting married

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( bethany cooked fried chicken and rice and salads and mash potatoes. She invited my parents and her parents)
" hello mom and dad and Derek's parents, welcome to our home and I hope that you enjoy this dinner that I have cook, please sit in the dining room", Bethany said as our parents took off their coats and shoes.
( our parents chatted and had a good time)
" before we eat I would ask to pray all of us together" Derek said as he hold my hand around the table.
( we prayed, some prayed silently and some prayed out loud)
" alright let's dig in", I said.
" I love the fried chicken that you made bethany, it taste wonderful", Derek's mom said.
" oh thank you mrs. Hough", I said while smiling.
( we kept chatting until our plates were almost empty)
( Derek cleared his throat to get everyone's attention)
" yesturday, as you know, me and bethany came from a paris trip, we had lots of fun and took a bunch of photos and visited a very nice and sophisticated restaurant, called le Jules de Verne. Then we went to the Eiffel Tower and I decided to ask bethany something. I asked her to marry me, I bought a 2,000 dollar ring to marry her. I would like to ask mrs. Mota and mr. Mota if I could have your daughter's hand In marriage", I asked.
( the room was silent that you could hear someone sallow a chunk of saliva. Beth's dad was looking down on his plate and thinking very hard and so was mrs. Mota.)
" Derek, you have been with my daughter for a year now, and so far I see you guys happy with eachother. It does hurt to see my little girl grow up and marry someone for the first time, I'm still letting you marry my daughter, and when you do, you must respect her, love her, take care of her, and most importantly be there when she needs you the most", Mr. Mota said.
" of course, thank you for letting me marry your wonderful daughter, Derek said.
" all I have to say, is that I am very happy and excited that my daughter is finally marring someome that she dearly loves, and I trust you derek to make her happy," Mrs. Mota said with happy tears.
" congratulations, both you and bethany", my parents said.
" thank you" me and bethany said.
( my mom and Beth's mom helped bethany clear up and wash the dishes, then me and beth's dad and my dad chatted in the living room, talking about jobs and politics.)

" alright derek let's start writing what we want for are wedding, and then we will read our paper out loud", I said.
" ugh... Do we really have to do this", Derek said complaining.
" yes, now get a paper and pencil", I said.
( 10 mins later)
Alright now I'm going to read my list:
- a wedding dress
- wedding at church saint Mary
- get my hair done in a special way
- have a wedding party at a fancy club
- pick out fancy plates and untensils for the party
- buy a dress for the wedding party
" now read your list, Derek, I said.
" sure, here it is", he said.
" babe, all you did was draw a beach", I said giggling.
" yep", he said laughing.
" you are something", I said.

Me:what church should we do the wedding?
Mom: at saint Mary, that the church I go to there.
Me: okay cool, so on Sunday I would go there and tell ask them to fit me and Derek's wedding in their schedule
Mom: okay, but what day is the wedding going to be?
Me: um me and Derek decided for it to be at December 23th
" um ,hello Honey but that's not gonna be because today is dec. 17, so there gonna be no time to even set up the after party?
" oh come on mom, the party will be after the wedding, it's going to be real quick.

" okay, so me and derek are planning a wedding. We were wondering if we could have the wedding ceromony here, on dec.23" I said to the priest.
" oh really, well congratulations. And sure you could do the wedding here at my church . Just both of you sign here and here", the priest said.
" okay", Derek said.
( we sign the paper and left)
" I'm so glad we are getting married", I said.
" yep, I love you a lot, I can't wait to finally say that you are my husband",'she said.
( she changed into her pjs as I did and we headed to go to sleep, I hugged her under the covers and kissed her forehead).
" goodnight beautiful", I said,
" goodnight handsome", she said.

bethany mota and derek hough love story(motough)Where stories live. Discover now