The Boy is Mine

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The entire 1A class, minus Bakugo, was in shock. It wasn’t that they expected Izumi to lose the fight, but the manner in which she won had been brutal. She’d completely overwhelmed the top student in the class, and had done so without breaking a sweat. 

“I told you, your sister is merciless. She’s not taking any prisoners.”  Bakugo grunted and aimed a finger in the air. 

“I’ve never seen Izumi in combat like this. When she went against Todoroki in practice all she was trying to do was distract him.” He whispered it so only Bakugo could hear. “This was just as you said… merciless.” 

“I’m looking forward to my fight with her.” Bakugo cracked his knuckles grinning. “I can’t wait to show that tempermental half pint her proper place.” 

“You don’t know if you’re gonna fight her yet, Kacchan. You still have two battles to win, and she has to win her next matchup as well.” Izuku rationalized. 

“I can already tell how these matchups are gonna go. It’s gonna be you vs. Todoroki and me Vs. your sister in the semi-final matchups, and then you and I are gonna go head to head in the finals!” He beat his fist into his hand. “I’m fired up just thinking about it!” 

“You’re making assumptions again… there’s no guarantee that either of us will-” 

“Don’t underestimate me, or yourself for that matter.” He reached out and squeezed Izuku’s cheeks together. “You’re gonna make it to the finals. If you don’t I’ll make you regret it.” 

Izuku couldn’t say anything so he merely nodded. When Bakugo pulled back Izuku rubbed his cheeks. Kacchan still had to beat Uraraka… and then whoever won in the match with Kaminari and Awase…

Speaking of Uraraka, where did she go? He wondered glancing over to his right. She’d been beside him during Izumi’s fight and then all of a sudden she’d disappeared. 

“Wonder where she went.” 

~Waiting Room~ 

Izumi needed a moment... Correction, she needed several moments.

Damn it she was pissed off. Why the hell did Yaoyorozu have to be like that? Why did she have to look so wounded after the fight?  The girl was a walking, talking lecture machine during class, so you’d think she’d have SOMETHING to say other than, “I’m sorry.” 

“Where the hell had that come from?” Izumi opened the door to the waiting room, and spotted Uraraka. Her temples throbbed. Why couldn’t she find quiet when she needed it. “What are you doing in here?” 

“Oh, Izumi. I was hoping you’d come here first.” Uraraka stood up, her face obviously tensed up. 

“Shouldn’t you be concentrating on your match with Bakugo?” She glanced down the hall to see if anyone else was lingering around. 

“I’ve been concentrating on it, but there’s something I need to get off my chest, or I won’t be able to move forward.” Ochaco held her chest. “It’s been bothering me for awhile, and now that I’m up against such a strong opponent I need my mind clear.” 

“Got something on your mind, huh?” Izumi closed the door and crossed her arms leaning back against it. “Alright, let’s hear it.” 

“Why do you hate Bakugo?” 

Of all the questions Izumi expected her to ask, that was the last thing on her mind. Izumi’s brow winged up in curiosity. 

“That’s the question you want to ask me?” 

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