Chapter Twelve

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Bloody hell

Lianne was on fire.

Every nerve ending seemed to writhe in pain and she whimpered. But kept her eyes shut tightly when tears began streaming down as she struggled with the overwhelming pain.

"Lianne, thank the stars, you live" Someone spoke almost tenderly from beside wherever she layed, it seemed years ago since she passed out.

Lianne opened her eyes and found Casper looming over her, smiling "You were right, we never do go out quietly" he said with a smirk.

Lianne returned his smile " you seem rather healthy for a man who's ancestors called him home" she teased and he laughed " oh yeah that, I was trying to go out dramatically"

"You jerk" lianne said as she looked around at her surrounding and nearly choked. Everyone was here, in the tent, staring at her while she now lay on the table, she gulped.

"I do believe that is my title princess" Roman voice spoke from right behind Casper and lianne gave him a weak smile.

"What time is it?" She asked

"Why it's three hours since you glowed and then fell unconscious onto me" Casper answered rather cheerfully

"We have so much to discuss but right we need to prepare to meet the rebels, and that includes Lianne. Nothing has changed." The king spoke to his men.

"But My King, can she even walk?" Roman spoke abruptly.

"Probably not, that is why she will ride double with me" Casper announced and Roman turned to give him an icy stare which Casper only narrowed his eyes at.

"Very well" he said curtly before walking out of the tent.

"Oh gosh,' Lianne groaned as she tried to sit up "why do I hurt so bad" she panted from the effort of trying to lean on her elbows.

"That would be my fault" Casper grimaced " you're magic ran dangerously low but you kept pouring it into me, so it compensated and took the pain of my wounds so it could continue healing me" Casper's words were not making any sense

"Magic? What do you mean?" Lianne asked and Casper shook his head in amusement.

"Lianne, you're golden blood is filled with magic," he said like it was the most obvious thing " and the ancestors have granted you with you the power to Heal" Casper beamed at Lianne as she stared at him with growing unease.

"You are so lucky to be twenty, my gift will manifest once I turn sixteen " Casper said sadly as though he simply could not wait to use his gift.

"I- really don't know what possessed me" lianne said out more to herself then anyone else.

"I'm sorry if you regret healing me princess" Casper said in a tone full of uncertainty

"Oh no, I don't regret healing you Casper, I guessed this just opened a lot of questions I need answers to" lianne said and Casper nodded as though he understood completely.

"Come lianne, I will carry you to Archie before the rest leave us behind. I promise once this battle is over I'll try to answer all the questions you have" he smiled and gently scooped lianne onto his arms, although only fifteen Casper was already roughly six feet and much much stronger than her causing him to lift her with ease.


The ride was agony, even with Casper cradling her in his lap and flying as gently as possible.

"I am sorry lianne" Casper whispered when lianne bit down a scream when Archie hit a rough patch of wind.

But thankfully they finally arrived at a mountain peak, so far Lianne could only see their group which consisted of the king, Casper, Roman, Iciz and Ivan.

The fog covering the peak eerily cleared and three figures appeared, a large man on a pegasus and two other on either side, brandishing their swords which caused everyone to tense.

"We have news" the King spoke to the leader with dark hair and a man bun.

"What makes the king think I care what he has to say" the snarled in a voice that made Lianne's blood ran cold.

"Oh I think you will be very interested" the king purred

"Bullshit" the man growled

"The Tyrants daughter which you so gallantly throw lives away for is under my care"

"Your care, or your clutches' the man spat " we know you have kidnapped her"

"At first I agree it was so, but now Little Lia has come to be family" the King said and gestured at Casper who instinctively gripped lianne tighter.

The men stared long and hard before the leader spoke " how does that prove shit, she looks like she's been beaten half to death."he snapped

"That's not true!" Casper said with a growl that resonated throughout his body, the men simply bared their teeth at him.

"My son speaks the truth, Lianne is simply exhausted from tending to the wounded all night, by choice" The king lied, covered up the truth with a half lie.

"This proves nothing, we know what you do, she is not loyal to you!" The leader said but the king merely shook his head slowly.

"Lianne has proven her loyalties when she partook in the marriage Ceremony with one of my own" lianne froze from her spot, and she wanted to protest but Casper gently stopped her by cradling her head against his chest.

"What the hell do you mean!" The leader shouted

"Princess lianne is joined in marriage to the general of my army and Elite Shifter of Aquiline: Roman Ashram of Azule"

There was a barely audible gasp from a rider beside Lianne and she knew it was Roman, she refused to acknowledge anyone and instead buried her face in Casper's chest as hot tears ran down her face and soaked his shirt.

There was a stunned silence as the king produced a scroll and handed it to the leader who read it careful before speaking to his men " It seems the daughter of our King is no longer a Kazan but instead she is Lianne Ashram... I hope you live to regret the day you spat on your fathers legacy girl" the leader spat at lianne before the all rode off into the rising sun.

Lianne clutched Casper's shirt tightly and he patted her back as though trying to discreetly comfort her.

The air was thick with tension when they arrived at the tent and that is when Roman dismounted and approached the king in a fury.

" Have I not fought through dozens of battles in your name? Have I not led your armies well enough my king?! What did I do to cause this, how have I wronged you my king?" Roman was so close to being flogged for the mere disrespect of shouting to the king but he was seeing red.

"Don't be dramatic Roman! I have given you a wife! She will finally make the blood of your heirs run golden! This is my gift to you Roman, if I had a daughter of my own you know I'd given her to you but lianne is the closest I come to making you a prince" the king snarled back.

And Roman's entire face crumpled in defeat " oh that I had died in this battlefield" he muttered before shooting into the sky and towards the city of Azule.

Lianne shook from where Casper still held her " He's just mad" he said softly but both lianne and him knew that was a lie, he was more than mad.

Roman had been the cause of all of this and now she had to marry him or be killed, she should have left him at a shelter to be killed when he was just a cat.

He probably killed Aloe too.

Lianne hated him, she loathed him with her entire being. And she would take Lucien over Roman any fricking day.

Honestly she would rather marry Soren or the winged guards, literally anyone else.

She'd even marry Casper if he were about six years older, hell she'd even marry Titus.

Lianne hated this.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2020 ⏰

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