Chapter 4

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"Uki, wake up!" I heard Toklo pounding on the outside of the igloo. "Helloooo???"

"Ugghhh," I groaned, not wanting to wake up.

"C'mon Uki," he exclaimed. "We need to get ready for the bladder ceremony?"

"The what?" I asked sleepily, still not completely awake.

"The ceremony!" he cried loudly. "You know, the one we celebrate every winter?!"

"Ohhhh, the 'Bladder Ceremony!' Why didn't you just say so?" I questioned.

"I DID!" he said, exasperated.

"Oh, should've said it louder," I ignored his mumbling and got out of bed to get changed.

Once changed and ready, I met Toklo outside.

"Ready to go?" I asked cheerfully.

Toklo must've still been annoyed at me, because he just gave me a side glance and started walking.

"Hey, wait up!" I called, running after him.

Toklo stopped walking.

"I'm sorry for annoying you! Forgive me? Please?" I asked, jutting out my bottom lip and giving him my best puppy eyes.

"I'm not mad," he turned to look at me, smiling. "Let's just hurry up, the ceremony is about to start!"

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