I'm scared about being alone
A lonely Soldier on the field fighting on his own
I'm scared about the Demons my Mind creates
Running from the responsibilities and getting towered over by my shadow
Getting lost in fear of the army I'm going to lose to
Searching for a excuse to get out of it alive
I'm scared of the war inside of me
Trying to stop thinking
Trying to get myself back up
But everytime I stand again I get thrown back to the ground
Tears flowing over my face don't even try to stop them
Lost my will to fight
Lock forward to an unavoidable end
Getting ready to get thrown into a bit of hungry tigers waiting to get the best of me
I can't wait to see the end of it so I can finally be free.
What will they think of me?
I'm just a lost knight without armour searching for the light in the pitch black darkness
Waiting for a hand to grab me and help me out of my head.