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CHAPTER TWENTY TWOGROUNDER POUNDER"when we all fall asleep, where do we go"˚✧₊⁎*⁎⁺˳✧༚

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"when we all fall asleep, where do we go"

"First watch is over. Go relieve Monroe on the south wall. Keep your eyes open."

Two whole days had passed since they blew up the bridge. The time they had bought themselves was running out, like sand slipping between fingers. The time had been spent trying to collect food and water for what was to come. When the grounders were out there, they had no way of hunting. So, berries, nuts and left over meat was their only option. Let's just say Dylan didn't really feel up for roasted bunny again. Then again, it wasn't like she had much of a choice.

Murphy and Dylan were lounging togheter just outside the drop ship while Octavia and some other people worked on the smokehouse. Bellamy, as always, was bossing people around, and Clarke stayed put at his side to support whatever he had to say. Dylan rolled her eyes at the two before redirecting her attention back over to Murphy.

"My gosh, the two of them should fuck already. The sexual tension is so thick like c'mon." Dylan joked, pointing at the Blake boy and Griffin girl. These were the usual types of jokes the two shared. Dylan expected for Murphy to laugh-- or at least chuckle-- at the joke, but what he did instead left her baffled.

"Do you women ever fucking shut up? Like seriously, maybe you should be in that smokehouse because food seems to be your only talent." Dylan narrowed her eyes at the boy. Murphy didn't mean to come off as aggressive. Hell, he didn't even mean to say that at all, but a part of him was definitely angry with Dylan for running around with a grounder. And her lame jokes weren't fixing this one.

"This is year 2149, Murphy. Don't you think stereotyping women is a little, I don't know, 2020?" Murphy rolled her eyes at her reply. He never really said anything close to sexist. He believed women were equal to men, but right now, he couldn't care less. So, his next words simply escaped his mouth, leaving him wide eyed and Dylan boiling.

"Shut up, grounder pounder."

Dylan reeled around, glaring at the boy she called her best friend. She wasn't sure what the hell his problem was. He usually did this when he was angry about something. But he had already told her that what happened with Lincoln was cool, and that she would owe him one for keeping shut about it. What the fuck else did he have to be mad about? Dylan scoffed, shaking her head. Knowing Murphy, he didn't need a reason. He was the type of person that if he wanted to be mad at you, you could be sure as hell he would find a reason to be. It was such a classy Murphy move.

Dylan shoved her small frame off of the drop ship wall, shooting Murphy a stinky look. "You know where to find me when you're done acting like an ass, Murph." With that, Dylan headed in the opposite direction, deciding to shove Murphy and all thought of him to the very back of her mind.

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