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AN: Okay, there's some discussion of New Jersey real estate as well as Rachel's general state of wealth in parts of what follows, and I'll disclaim this by saying that I attempted to realistically estimate the amount of disposable income that someone with Rachel's career history, currently uncertain future, and pre-existing New York City level mortgage commitments would have, and looked into what housing in Union County, NJ costs, so this is about as accurate as it's going to get. As always, please blame Lindsay Lohan if your ultimate reaction is that this is nonsense! It's all her fault.

Chapter Text

Her daddy comes home for lunch unexpectedly, and she's busy booking her flight back to NY when he sits down on the couch next to her and says, "How are you?"

It's good, to be asked as directly as that. But it's not really the best day for him to be actually approaching her as a human being, because she's stuck in a loop on last night, and how she should've encouraged Quinn to just-

She doesn't know. Cry about it? That's her thing, not Quinn's. But then isn't not having a thing Quinn's entire problem.

It's not until a hand touches her elbow that she realizes she's been staring into space with sad look on her face for a few minutes, and when she turns to her daddy she forces a smile.

"I'm fine, I promise. I just... ran into Judy Fabray yesterday and it ..."

She doesn't have a clear way of finishing that sentence, and ends up just hitting confirm on Kayak and watching as her flight rolls in.

Another day and a half, and then she's back in the city.

It all feels very much removed from Quinn, or even reality, right now.

Her daddy shifts next to her and then gives her a slightly worried look. "Was she hostile? Because of those pictures of you-"

Rachel shakes her head. "No. Though I'm honestly shocked at how many people have seen those, because for God's sake, we were just screwing around at a miniature golf course, and-"

Her daddy smiles. "Sweetheart, you're the biggest thing that's ever happened to this town. Of course people keep an eye on you."

She doesn't know why, but that aspect of it really hadn't occurred to her, and after a second she smiles wryly. "Think I can get a street named after me?"

"Don't push it," her daddy says, and they both chuckle for a second. Then, he sobers and says, "Did you tell Quinn that you ran into her mother?"

Rachel nods, and then closes her laptop with a sigh. "She didn't take it very well, which I expected, but still. It's-" She hesitates, because this is really Quinn's business and not her own, and after a long moment of contemplating what she actually wants to say about this, she reaches for her father's hand and holds it tightly. "I'm sorry, if the last month in particular has put a strain on our relationship, but I want you to know that you're good parents. I have always felt supported, and loved for who I am, and like I have a home, and-I wouldn't trade that in for anything."

When she glances over, her dad is pushing his glasses up his nose with a knowing look, and then just says, "She's lucky to have you."

"Do you think... dad might eventually be willing to talk to her? Because the way his parents reacted to you, I think..." she says, tentatively.

Her daddy looks away for a moment, and then nods. "We've-I mean, we haven't been spying on you, Rachel, please believe me, but you sound happier on the phone with her than you have in years. Neither your dad nor I can pretend that that's a bad thing. The past is what it is, and I think we'll struggle with it a little, but-we're both willing to give her a chance. For you, okay?"

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