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AN: Warning: don't read this at work or in public. Ladies do the lesbian in this. A lot.

Chapter Text

When she wakes up the next morning and squints, Quinn is sitting up against the headboard, with Miffy and Red Fish on her lap, stroking them both.

"I woke up covered in pussy," she says, when she spots Rachel smiling at her.

Rachel snorts and then reaches out and scratches Miffy under her chin. "I'm really surprised she came to us; she's the anti-social one. Just completely doesn't care about people. Red Fish is a slut, so that's not surprising, and well-you're going to have to prove your worth to Orphan Annie."

Quinn runs her hand down Red Fish's belly a few more times and then looks over at Rachel with a soft smile. "I like them."


"And your house. I mean, you'll have to give me a proper tour once the fuck-me twins leave-"

Rachel laughs. "There isn't much else to show. I down-sized; I wanted this place to be... just big enough for me, but not so big that it, you know. Gets lonely."

Quinn's still smiling when she nods a little. "Yeah, I know what you mean."

The cats purr, as they keep being petted, and then Rachel rolls onto her back and stretches. "What'd you think of my bed? Best bed ever, right?"

"Yeah, it's all right," Quinn drawls, and then laughs when Rachel glares at her. "It's great, obviously. Super comfortable. What do you want for breakfast?"

Rachel blushes furiously when-well, they've had this conversation before, and Quinn sort of half-grins when clearly she remembers that as well, but after a second Rachel just sits up, leans in closer, and then very carefully kisses Quinn on the lips.

"There's a Starbucks two townships over. I'd like a vanilla soy latte-or no, two of those, and a double espresso," she then says, quietly. "And maybe some pancakes."

She can't really see much of Quinn, but can feel her smile, and then a hand shoves at her shoulder until she's back on her back.

"I see how it is," Quinn notes, before picking up Red Fish and looking at him seriously. "Are you okay with how much I'm being taken advantage of?"

Rachel just smiles and then slips out of bed, tugging on a pair of sweat pants and then heading to the door and tossing Quinn her robe. "I was kidding. But maybe we can make pancakes together, because I'm pretty sure Britt and Santana will be up soon and will want something fatty."

Quinn nuzzles Red Fish for a moment and then flings him off the bed, where he prances off towards Rachel and rubs himself against her leg for a moment.

"We can do that," Quinn says, shrugging the robe on as she steps out of the bed, giving Miffy one last pet, and then heading over to the door as well. She hesitates there, for a moment, and then just winces a little. "I literally think I'm growing hair on my tongue right now, so I'm going to hold off on kissing you-like, really kissing you."

"You can't anyway; it's been two months, Quinn, I'm going to be raising hell unless you gag me, which-I'm not entirely sure I'm okay with that kind of sex if other people are in the house," Rachel says, tugging on the ties of Quinn's robe and quickly looping them together.

When she looks back at Quinn's face, there's a vaguely concerned expression marring it, and she stops, sliding her hands around to Quinn's hips and just holding her steady. "What?"

"We'll talk about it a little later-it's a real conversation. I don't want to put you through it before I've given you your coffee," Quinn finally says, with a small shake of her head.

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