Chapter 12: The Diner

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In order to make this chapter perfect, I've had a giant cup of coffee, three sodas, a giant cup of hot coco, three cups of tea, and have stayed up far to long. I hope my efforts payed off and you all like this chapter. If you want me to continue this story a little more, let me know. This chapter is also longer then the others.



Hello, Cher!" Elizabeth cried happily as she walked in on Alastor cooking in the kitchen. Alastor jumped up about a foot and spun around, brandishing a pair of metal prongs as he turned to see who had startled him. He lowered the prongs when his eyes fell upon his mother.

"Oh, hello Mother. I didn't think I'd run into anyone up here." Elizabeth squinted her eyes at her son's suspicious behavior. She didn't surprise him often unless something was on his mind.

"I see ya're makin' crawfish, Cher. It's not near enough for everyone, but definitely to much for yarself. Who ya havin' supper with." Alastor almost dropped the crawfish in his tongs. Must everyone be so perceptive? Alastor thought carefully of his reply.

"I wanted to have dinner on the roof tonight, and invited Angel Dust to join me. I would highly appreciate it if you didn't tell the others." Elizabeth's face morphed into an UWU.

"So ya finally realized ya love him. I told ya." Elizabeth leaned against to counter next to the deal frier that Alastor was cooking the crawfish in and grinned teasingly at him, "I know we never really had this talk in life, but ya do know what most grown ups in a relationship do in the bed right?"

"Mother!" Alastor's face went red with embarrassment, "Inappropriate!"

"I know ya never done it before, but I'm sure Spider Boy can teach ya lots of fun tricks." Alastor covered his eyes, as if he'd turn invisible.

"Mother!" Alastor peeped at her from in between his finger, "Please stop talking!" Elizabeth burst out laughing as Alastor tried to cook his crawfish while his hand blinded him.

"I'm sorry, Cher." Elizabeth weezed as she wiped away tears of laughter, "I know ya're not interested in that sorta thing, but if ya ever change yar mind, I'm sure Angel can take care of ya." Alastor grumbled to himself as he removed his hand from his red face and returned to his crawfish.

"Just, please don't tell anyone where we are." Elizabeth wrapped Alastor in a hug from the back.

"I won't, now why don't I help ya with yar meal and start up some lava cake?" Alastor shook his head, making his mother raise an eyebrow.

"I would prefer to make this meal alone. Thank you for suggesting lava cake for desert though." Elizabeth smiled sweetly and rested a hand against Alastor's cheek.

"Sometimes it's so hard to believe ya're the same boy I sang to all those years ago." Alastor turned away from the crawfish so he could look at his mother.

"I had a great mother who helped me along." Elizabeth planted a gentle kiss on her son's cheek.

"You two have a fun night." Alastor chuckled and let his southern accent slip through.

"Thanks, Ma. Laissez les bons temps rouler."


Alastor gazed down at his outfit as he sat at the table he had made appear on the roof. He wore black suspenders, a long sleeve, red, button up dress shirt, a pair of black leather dress shoes, red glasses, and had a his hair up in a ponytail. He hoped he wasn't over dressed. He wanted to have a nice dinner with Angel, but not an all out, fancy, date like dinner. They were just friends after all. This was why he'd chosen to make crawfish. Tasty, and casual.

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