Chapter 2 - Start Walking

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Author's Note: Hey all, i'm sorry that it took so long to get a second chapter out. Aside from the obvious stuff happening in the world right now, I forgot to mention that I'm also working on this story's still ongoing sequel whilst making this, since it's nearing the end of a big storyline. I'm sure that this will be given more attention once that's over, I simply just need to figure out a good schedule when working with both of these projects. But besides that… things are gonna be winding down a little from that extravagant first impression, that's for sure. 

Still though, to the newer and returning readers, thanks for following this! I was kinda surprised at the numbers since it took me like five chapters for someone to follow the original story. That's pretty reassuring, so thanks y'all, and don't forget to recommend/share this with others, either! Anyways, to compensate for lost time I made sure to extend this update so we’d be a chapter ahead of schedule, but it'll most likely just be a lot of walking and talking this time around, so hopefully I won't bore you guys two chapters into this throwback. Now, let's get the introductions out of the way...

[Chapter 2 Theme]

Chapter 2 - Start Walking

After what felt like a lifetime of creeping through the forest surrounding the city, Team RWBY was led by Gage until they soon came out of the woods and found themselves on top of a tree covered hill that curved down into… what seemed like a swamp, or mud-filled bog with some buildings being seen in the distance. They weren’t close, but they’d be able to make it there by sunset if they hurried enough.

With his arm still wrapped around Yang to keep himself standing, he slouched a little and smiled as the four girls around him started to appear a little stunned by the fact he was able to stay true to his word. He really did know a way back to Mountain Glenn,

“See… *pant* ...just like i said!” Then without warning he got his hand free from Yang, placed his fingers in his mouth, and let out a loud whistle that traveled far and wide. It’s echo even came back to them as Blake resisted the urge to cover her cat ears, and Yang glanced at him oddly.

They all assumed he did this out of some weird celebration and waved it off as just that. So when their attention came back to the marshlands that lied ahead of them, Weiss walked over a bit and leaned towards Gage as she stared at the mud below with some personal concern… mainly because of the color she wore valiantly, “...Is there a cleaner way to get through that?”

She was quick to look down at the white heels she wore, and Blake did the same with her shoes once her ears stopped ringing… but Gage still tried to reassure them both since they didn’t know his own boots had a bunch of holes in them, and he ended up nodding back down towards the base of the hill, where it looked like the start of small bridge was located. “Not right now. But don’t worry, there’s a small boardwalk we can use.” He explained, with little response.

The heiress sighed before Ruby just picked up Zwei and started to head down as Yang and Gage did the same, until she and Blake followed slowly without any further protests. It was a dumb thing to complain about anyways, and they didn’t have a lot of time to come up with a different route. “If I fall in that cesspool, I'm taking you down with me, ‘scruffy’!” Weiss whined, trying to come up with a better name than the one Gage gave to her. 

She and Blake soon moved past him and Yang to go meet up with Ruby down at the bridge, with the five teens and their dog now moving down that hill and through a flower covered field that ironically resided next to the swamp. It was so dark and disgusting to them, that some of Team RWBY honestly thought that it was some old tar pit that had been forgotten over time.

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