Part 1

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2 years have passed by since that incident, I avoided any conversation with Jessica and Justin; but even if i didn't, they obviously made it their number 1 priority to exclude me from everyone. So basically I'm now the school outcast thanks to those motherfuckers. But I couldn't care less, I wasn't exactly fond of people that much as I always had the urge to flee when their stare at me.

My red hair shone in the sun as I laid my head down on my desk, laughter and cries of happiness seem to accomendate the blazing sun, as I tried to listen to my science teaher talk about the Periodic table.  Come on Kira, one more hour till I can leave this hellhole. Surveying the room, I can see that everyone was either asleep or actually paying attention.Unfortunately for me, Jessica and Justin happens to be in the same class as me and being the pathetic idiots they are, they started sending text messages to each other. They work books were filled to the edge in love notes and doodles of each other or bunnies. I looked away before putting my head back down only to hear the door open before an old familiar voice filled the room.

"Good morning miss, excuse my intrusion, but I came to inform that you have a new student joining your class today" I lifted my head and saw the school Principle, Mr Henson, flashing a bright smile towards the teacher (I can't be bothered to remember her damn name) before turning his attention back to the new student. Everyone's gaze was already upon the new student, well mostly the girls, I looked and saw why.

The new student was a boy. scratch that. A handsome boy. He's black raven hair acted acted as black curtains to his deep blue eyes which seems to captivate half of the class's population. The girls were too busy gawking at him but I couldn't help but notice strange black markings running up his left arm. No one seemed to care how exposed it is, it seem to only seem to only attract girls more, pose as a threat to the guys and fuel my curiousity on what it may be.

Before I can take a closer look, the teacher broke the spell that was laid on the whole class, "ok class, I want you to meet your new classmate, Zeke Wilson" Zeke smiled as everyone gave off either a positive or negative vibe. I felt a headache coming as I felt deja vu for the new kid. 

"Ok Zeke, your seat will be in front of Kira, Kira raise your hand" I let out a sliently sigh as glares were directed at me, I raised my hand as I ignored them. Zeke looked in my direction before making his way towards his seat, he kept his dark blue eyes on me while successfully ignoring the lustful looks he was getting, it was only when he sat down did he gaze on me disappear.

I hate to admit it, but the moment our eyes met there seem to be a connection, I felt like I was missing something. Something important. I shook the thoughts away as I turned my attention away from the teacher and towards the sky. I didn't know that a pair of eyes were still watching me until I turned back. There I found myself staring right into the blue eyes of Zeke Wilson as he regarded me with an apathetic look on his face.

"Can I help you?" I asked as I mentally groaned at the death glares headed right my way, Zeke only continued to stare at me while being ignorant of the killer aura that seem to rise from the love struck female population. Feeling like I may be in actually danger, I looked down and broke the eye contact before turning back with a glare " Well, are you gonna answer me or are you mute?" I said coldly as he  cracked a smirk, obviously amused by my actions.

" You seem interesting, like there's something unique about you" he answered calmly before turning back to the front, I didn't think much on what he said, the class continued for 20 minutes till the bell rang and everyone rush to leave school. Of course, the minute Zeke got up, he was attacked by a swarm of girls who want to know everything about him. And when I say everything, I mean EVERYTHING! Age, size, birth date, address, number and underwear size. Feeling disgusted by their perverted thoughts, I walked past them without a sound, hoping to leave without attracting any attention.

But Life is a bitch. Standing right at the door was Jessica and Justin, obviously attracting attention to their make out session, letting out an exasperated sigh I strive past them only to get pulled back into the classroom.

"Well, Hi Kira. How's our little fucking bitch doing?" Jessica sneered as she stold in front of me, Justin stood next to her as if he was her little body guard.

"If you use your eyes, you can clearly tell that I'm trying to go home idiot" I answered sarcastically as Jessica narrowed her eyes. " How can you be so mean to your best friend Kira, why did you break our friendship?" Jessica asked as her eyes shone with tears before letting a few drop down her cheeks. This bitch, turning everyone against me with her baby act, of course everyone started to talk bullshit about me everytime she pulls out the water works.

As expected, everyone only glared and shouted insults at me, taking Jessica's side while treating me like a massive bitch. How I feel like erasing my troubles away, but that is impossible. Jessica flashed me a cocky smirk behind her hands as some people rushed to comfort her. I couldn't handle this situation and decided to leave but before I could take a step, a voice seem to shatter the tearful scene that Jessica created.

" Would you please stop with that pathetic act" Jessica looked up in shock as everyone turned to see Zeke emerge from the group of girls and approach me.

"Take a look at yourself, already in high school and putting up a little girl attitude only to get people's attention. That is the most idiotic way to live. Also don't think that I didn't see you smile when everyone was glaring at Kira. Pick yourself up whore." to say that people were shocked was an understatement, they were full on flabbergasted. No one has ever talked to Jessica like that. Zeke grabbed my elbow before pulling me out the door with him as everyone was still recovering from what happened.

I only followed him, not knowing what to do but the one thing that escaped my mouth was "Thank you" Zeke turned around and smiled at me. No words were exchanged as we made our way to the front gates.

However, being around him was causing a warm feeling to flow throught out my body. I wonder what it is, but I know it's definitely not love. Taking a glance at his handsome face, I was having second thoughts about him as he continue to drag me along with him. Maybe there was a speck of affection.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2014 ⏰

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