Chapter VIII: A Message on the Wall

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"Come on, John, keep up! He must have left some clue here. It doesn't hurt at all to look in the most unusual places." Sherlock called back to his flatmate impatiently, but not stopping to wait for him.
Sherlock Holmes and John Watson were down in a dark alleyway. The consulting detective had been bored out of his wits and couldn't just stay in the flat any longer. He decided that the best way to calm down his utter restlessness was to go out. John didn't want to go along with him, but he did anyway; seeing how even if he refused, Sherlock would drag him along with him if he didn't. The two flatmates had snuck out---Sherlock made a plan of getting to the alleyway in hiding---somehow. John decided there was no point in questioning how they got there completely undetected. He learned that when it came to working with the sociopathic and strange Sherlock Holmes, it was safe to just go with it.

"But Sherlock, you don't know for certain if Moriarty did leave a clue in here. What if this is all for nothing?" John hated to sound so doubtful, but he felt that what he said may turn out true. Sherlock was very right when he said that chasing after this man was going to be like "a wild goose chase". John had by now managed to catch up with his friend, panting a bit for having to walk fast.

"And you don't know for certain if Moriarty didn't leave a clue here. Just shut up and keep up." Sherlock had replied, looking about curiously. The other just decided to be quiet from then on out, letting out a little sigh. Sherlock walked furher down the alleyway, where it seemed to get darker. He felt along the walls that felt a bit closer(which bothered Watson and made him almost feel claustrophobic for a few moments), as if they had contained some hidden lever that led into a headquarters or something. The darkness and silence had enveloped the alleyway. John had thought it would go on forever; it was such a long alleyway. . . When finally, it stopped abruptly to a dead end. The detective raised an eyebrow, feeling almost at a loss. John frowned.

"Sherlock, there's nothing here. Come on, let's just-"

"No, wait. I see something scratched in the wall. . ."

His flatmate tilted his head and looked closely at the wall. He was right: there was something scratched in the wall---words. It must've been some kind of message, but to John and Sherlock, it looked like gibberish that read:






"If this is some sort of message sent to us from that Moriarty man, then I don't understand it. I do know that the words may be scrambled." John explained, observing the message over and over. He looked toward his friend, who was silent and continuing to stare at the message blankly. He suddenly then took a few steps back. . . John thought he almost saw a bit of fear in his eyes.

"What is it, Sherlock? What does it say?" John wondered, continuing to look at him. He figured that, considering as intelligent and quick-thinking Sherlock was, he had already unscrambled the letters. But the detective was silent and didn't say anything.

"Sherlock." John tried again. Still, no answer. The tall man had backed away a little further from the wall and turned his back on John. He then slowly turned to look at his flatmate.

"All you need to know is that this is a dangerous game we're playing, John. And Moriarty knows it."

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