Chapter 1

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The operations center. It is just before daybreak. The Titans are gathered before the window/screen, which shows Slade's face. He is in some sort of industrial area.

"Good morning, Teen Titans." Slade spoke up on the speaker. "I do hope I didn't wake you."

"What are you, an insomniac? Who calls at five in the morning-" Beastboy yawning as Raven elbows him in the side to cut him off.

"What do you want?" Robin yells.

"Well, that's precisely what you've been trying to find out, isn't it? And in spite of all your efforts, you're still in the dark about my intentions." Slade is heard on speaker. "Disappointing, Robin. I expected a little more from you."

"Like I care what you-" Robin was cut off.

"But since you've been unable to discover my plan, I suppose I'll just have to reveal it myself." Slade darken his voice.

Two of his commando robots are standing next to a large object covered with a tarp.

"I'm sure you're all familiar with the concept of a chronoton detonator." Slade laughs.

The tarp is pulled away as he says this. Underneath it is a large, egg-like piece of machinery with a couple of red lights set into its surface. The upper portion telescopes toward the ceiling, giving a view of the circuitry inside and more sets of lights. Cut to Robin and Cyborg, then pan to each of the others in turn during the next two lines.

"No!" Cyborg drops down his mouth.

"Uh-oh." Raven said as Starfire gasps.

"No way!" Beastboy turns to Starfire. "Um, what's a crouton detonator?"

"It eradicates all chronotons within a localized area, utterly destroying the temporal component of the space-time continuum." Starfire explains.

"Hmm?" Beastboy says confused.

"It stops time. Permanently." Raven says it darkly.

"If he triggers that thing downtown, it'll freeze-frame the entire city." Cyborg cries out and faints.

"Tell me where!" Robin asks.

"You're a clever boy, Robin." Slade was heard on speaker. "I'm sure you and your little friends can figure it out." Slade holds up a transmitter. "However, since I control the detonation, time is not on your side."

The screen fills with static, and Robin slams a fist down on the computer keyboard with a frustrated grunt. Now the window has cleared.

"Fan out! Find it! Shut it down!" Robin yells at the team before running out.

He storms toward the door, but Beast Boy and Cyborg move to block his path.

Beastboy tugging his collar. "Hey, uh, maybe you should stay here and coordinate the search."  A big drop of sweat rolls down his temple on the end of this.

"What?" Robin asks.

"Man, when it comes to Slade, you've got issues." Cyborg comments.

All three boys on the end of the line, Cyborg has pointed a finger at Robin's temple and is twirling it in the classic "this guy has a screw loose" gesture.

"Might be better for the team if you sit this one out." Cyborg says coldly.

Letterbox, top third of screen, the three and Starfire appear as silhouettes.

"There's too much at stake for me to-" Robin heads out.

"Robin..." Starfire calls to his attention.

"We have not forgotten the last time you faced-" Starfire shakes her head.

"I made a mistake, Starfire. It won't happen again." Robin shock his head and heads out again. "I can handle it. I promise."

"Would you at least like to know where to look?" Raven says.

Everyone turns to look at her. She is at the keyboard, and the camera tilts up to show a freeze frame from Slade's message-the robots and the detonator-on the window/screen.

"Slade gave us more information than he realized." Raven stares at the screen.

The image fills the screen. Zoom in on a patch of it as a set of gridlines is superimposed; a small blurry image on the metal surface stands out.

"Here, in this reflection." Raven zooms closer.

"Ooh, squiggly lines. Way informative." Beastboy says.

As more keystrokes are heard, it refines and can be clearly seen as backward text: "PIER 41." This is turned around to read normally. Cut to Starfire.

"Pier Forty-One!" Starfire says.

"The docks!" Robin stepping closer.

Raven glares at her detractor, who grins and chuckles nervously at having been shown up. Dissolve to a sign marking that location and pan to one of the warehouses at the waterfront. It is now closer to sunup. Robin runs to the doors, followed by Beast Boy-as a cheetah, returning to human form-and then the rest of the group. Cyborg whips out his sonic cannon and lets it speak; cut to inside. The doors are blasted away, and Robin dashes in with his fighting staff in hand. He extends it to as the others follow him, ready to slug it out. Their perspective, panning across the interior-no detonator, no Slade, no commandos, no nothing.

"Empty?" Starfire say as she takes am overhead view of them.

"Oh, man!" Cyborg yells out.

"I don't believe this!" Robin looking around.

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