Day four- HandHolding

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   It was Christmas Or twelfth perigree and all of the trolls had gathered in the lab for a Banquet of some sorts, a feast in other words. On the table were twelve plates, all with name tags for the place where each troll would sit. It was only fitting that nepeta be the one who chooses where everyone sat. She organized everyone to fit her shipping wall. ( though it caused some conflict, She had alot of fun with that one)

     As presumed Equius was Seated next to his matesprite Gamzee. By now, Equius had finished his vegetarian meal and sat quietly with his hands in his lap, rarely interjecting any imput to the conversations that sprung up at random moments. He wasn't very enthusiastic to talk with those below him unless it was important.

      When Gamzee finished his respective plate he reached his hand over to Grab Equius' which as i remind you was in his lap. Now from their point of veiw it was a romantic gesture, that would looked highly upon. But, by the rest of the table, it looked as if Gamzee was groping him under the table.

          "Eww what the everloving fuck Gamzee? Have we all just decided to throw away what little decency we have left? Are we all free to roll around in the mug and squeal like pigs?." Karkat spouted at the top of his lungs as usual. Gamzee seemed confused at the sufden outburst. "Bro im just holdin his-" He was cut off by vriska's annoying voice. "Buldge!" She shouted shamelessly without a trace of guilt; it was very brazen of the spider troll.

       "Uh..  no. I'm up n' holdin his hand.. you guys are weird. And thats comin' from me" He explained, then raised their intertwined fingers up into the air, prooving that he was holding the Blue blood's hand.

    The blue blood looked away in embarrassment, his face brightly displaying his blood color. He no longer enjoyed the casual banter that had transformed into somthing more. "Nepeta, Go to your respite block" He ordered. "No!" She squeaked, crossing her arms. "Its so fun out here! And mew never let me hang out with my friends" She again said, pouting just for the extra effect that it would have if any at all.

    "Nepeta you will go to your respite block right now!" He stood and commanded firmly; his hand was still being held by Gamzee. "Yo, calm down MoThEr FuCkEr" He said smoothly, Then standing up and kissing his cheek. "Let 'er stay, she is just havin' a lil' fun babe" He said loosely, his arms dangling around his waist. "I-i suppose you may stay Nepeta"

Nepeta squealed and took her seat back by Karkat. He seemee more than annoyed that he had to endure more of her kitty shippings.


    Gamzee then led Equius from the room, his chuckles ringing out as he was led away. This would be fun.

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