Chapter 4

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In a fit of rage, the Penguin fired his gun. Spider-Man leaped in the air, web sticking to the umbrella, yanking it upwards. The Penguin stumbled downwards, his umbrella gun clattering on the floor. The crowd let out a gasp as the bullet struck one of the windows reducing it to a shower of glass. That was when Penguin's goons started firing.

Spider-Man started dodging the bullets, weaving in and out of the bullets crawling across the wall and leaping from side to side. Glass panes shattered, there were holes in the walls and the glass sculptures were mowed down like grass.

Spider-Man landed at the centre of all the goons. "Guys can we stop shooting at the Wayne Manor." Spider-Man attached his web to one of the goons. "If Mr. Wayne sues I doubt any of you would be able to afford it."

He grabbed the goon like a featherweight and spun around, the goon hit his fellow thugs like a sledgehammer, knocking them down. By the time Spider-Man was done using him as a wrecking ball, he was dizzy and unconscious.

It was at that moment, the crowd decided to scatter making Peter's job even harder. The goons started firing at them but Peter was faster, disarming them and knocking them out, making sure they didn't kill anybody.

The Penguin took this as an opportunity, gathering up half a dozen goons who dragged Brucie-boy away, knocking him across the face as he struggled against them causing him to crumple on the floor. Penguin fired wildly into the air in order to stir more panic.

"On no you don't," Spider-Man said. He swooped in from the air in order to try and get Bruce away from the goons but that's when they started firing wildly, causing Spider-Man to swerve away from them.

Penguin pulled out a walkie talkie. "Skinner, bring the truck and let's get the hell outta here."

Spider-Man swung towards Penguin but Penguin pointed his gun at him and fired. Spider-Man leaped out of the way as the bullet struck a chandelier causing it to plummet downwards like a comet. One unfortunate bystander was under it but before the chandelier landed Spider-Man swooped in and got him out of the way.

Standing in front of Spider-Man was an old man with greying red hair and long moustache whose face Peter saw in a lot of newspapers.

"You alright, Commissioner?" Spider-Man asked.

"Yes," Commissioner Gordon mumbled, mumbling something about how people in masks are popping up like flies under his breath. "Have you seen my daughter, Barbara. Red hair, green eyes."

"No, I haven't, Commish," Spider-Man said, in all the excitement he'd almost forgotten about Barbara and Dick. He wondered if they made it out safely. "But I'll tell you if I do."

Gordon nodded. "Thanks, Spider boy."

"It's Spider-Man," Spider-Man corrected.

"You sure as hell don't act like a man," Gordon said, pulling out a cigarette.

Spider-Man swung away. Gordon took out his phone, calling Hennelly.

"Hennelly, call in SWAT," Gordon said. "Penguin has been sighted at the Wayne Manor. he has Bruce Wayne in his custody."

Gordon took another swig of his cigarette and started looking around the manor for his daughter. This was looking to be one hell of a night.


Outside the manor, cars zoomed around in a panicked frenzy. People were screaming and shouting into their phones and crowding around cars, begging for rides home. Meanwhile Spider-Man saw Penguin amidst the frenzied crowd from his vantage point on the mansion, firing his gun into the air to clear people out sauntering towards a truck. Spider-Man immediately broke into a run, sprinting towards the truck to make sure it didn't get away.

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