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"Allen hyung, our tutor is coming later can you wait for her? I want to go wash up first" Taeyoung said as he ran towards his room.


I went to the living room to clean up their little mess. Whilst waiting, the other still haven't return back which only left me with the maknae line alone.

What took them so long.

A figure displayed on the small monitor beside the door. I went to check the small screen and chuckle at her nervous act.

The bell finally rang after a few failed attempts she had and I open the door immediately.

She eyes were wide opened as she hesitate to walk inside until I guide her in,

Finally god. Someone who is shorter than me.

I ask her to wait and went inside Taeyoung's room.

"Taeyoung hurry up, your tutor is here already" Taeyoung only hum inside the shower as I shake my head left to right. I pulled out my phone to text Seongmin.



You :
Why are you online?

Go outside, your tutor is in the living room

Rabbit :
Wait brb!

Rabbit has logged out

"YOU?!"  I overheard Seongmin shout.

"Huh what's going on" Taeyoung who just came out from showering said,

"Oh my god it's really you! Hi!!"

This kid, I can never understand him.

"Nothing, now hurry. I want to sleep" I said as I laid down.

"Hey! This is my bed! Sleep underneath would you?!" Taeyoung pulled my legs,

"Your bed receives the best air, shut up"

"Bad lennie bad lennie!" Taeyoung teases,

I throw his pillows until he finally went outside.

Kids these days.

I don't fall in love, I trip - Serim (CRAVITY)Where stories live. Discover now