Chapter Four

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Hey, loves how are you all!? Here is the next chapter I hope you are enjoying the story 💙🧡 thank you for taking your time to read my books, love you! 🧡💙

Out of all the people why did it have to be him?


He was staring lost, yet hopeful at him, but once he caught those drained, pained, and exhausted emotion in those eyes everything crumbled. Naruto fumbled with his fingers only to take a step back.

'You know Sasuke would never turn gay.'

Those words rung in his head emitting more endless tears to cascaded down his cheeks. Sasuke parted his lips, but no words came out, how could they when his heart was shattered witnessing his best friend, so broken. They shut body tense, and frozen on what to do.

"S-sorry again." Naruto blurted out only to turn, and run away.

Sasuke desperately wanted to yell for him. To run after him, but his body was in compared to a stone. He couldn't move an inch, he couldn't even part his lips to speak.

Once, again Naruto ran away from him, out of his reach, and grasp. Sasuke didn't know if he was crying, because of yesterday's tragedy, or if terribly some other bad news found their way into his kind heart. Maybe it was a combination of the two.

Sasuke hand came to whack his head in order for him to snap out of his frozen state, and move. He wanted to race after Naruto, but would could he do, or tell him that would help his heart heal.

Either, way if he wanted to speak to Naruto he would have to wait till they saw each other until fifth period. With a defeated sigh he slowly walked into the school.

He kept his head lowered, head contemplating on what to do. His head kept ringing with Shikamaru's words, and to give each other some time, but his heart was aching to just talk things out, and just go back to normal.

Realization hit Sasuke like a bus, at his own thoughts.

Talk things out, and go back to normal.

Sasuke knitted his brows feeling disgusted with his selfish self. If, they talked, and worked things out, Sasuke was practically telling Naruto to forget about his feelings. The Uchiha's head pounded with a headache building up. Just when he was getting solutions he was now back to questions.

He couldn't do that. Not to Naruto. He couldn't tell him to forget about his feelings. That was just in no way right, but talking was still in his book he at least wanted to talk things over.

He just could never figure that Naruto had feelings for him, it was impossible for him to believe that, because again Naruto never told him he was gay. Now, he knew that Naruto had feelings for him, but it just still wacked his head for the fact Naruto.

His childhood best friend never told him he was gay. Sasuke thought maybe Naruto thought he would be shocked or find him disgusting, but Sasuke wasn't like that he wasn't a homophobe, and he wouldn't think of Naruto differently than he already is.

Sasuke walked the once empty halls that began to flood with students, as the front doors opened. He wanted to get away from the noise, so he figured he would go straight to his classroom. He wouldn't see Naruto till their joined period which was fifth period. Sasuke walked to his classroom hoping he wouldn't bump into anyone else, especially those blind females. The Uchiha walked up the flight of stairs to the third floor for the seniors.

He walked down the hall to then take a right for the next hall that held his physics class. Throwing the door open thankful that no on was in there he sulked only to take his seat in the far back, and place his head down.

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