Neither life nor death will separate us

471 16 11

"Mr Scott, energize". At the moment the captain said this him, the science officer the chief medical officer and two security men disappeared with a sparkling light. They beamed to a quite desertic planet that, according to the instruments, didn't had animal life forms.

"Are you getting something with the tricorder Spock?" Kirk asked.

"Negative" the vulcan answered.

"There is too much sand here" McCoy said looking around.

"That's an obvious therefore illogical statement doctor" Spock responded obviously with the intention to piss him off.

"Fuck your damn logic you pointy-eared vul--" the doctor started but he was interrupted by Jim.

"Guys, guys, enough of this, don't start again" their captain said. They had been arguing all the day and they were starting to piss him off.

Both stopped talking at Kirk's order not without a grumble.

"Mr Brown, Mr Johnson, we'll go that way. Spock, you and Bones take a look over that hill." the blond man commanded.

"Jim--" McCoy tried to complain

"That's an order" Kirk cutted him, he hadn't time to hear his childish discussion and constant comments about the 'hobgoblin'.

So the captain and the security guards started walking, the blue-shirted men did the same in the oder direction, just silently, awkwardly and avoiding looking at the other.

When they arrived to the mentioned rocks they realized they were bigger than they seemed in the distance. Besides they seemed to be hollow because there were an entrance as the one of a cave.

The vulcan didn't hesitated and enter, watching all he time at the readings of the tricorder, the doctor followed him.

After walking a few minutes the rocky shapeless walls began to turn into some well-carved decorated ones.

"Here had been intelligent life forms" Spock broke the silence.

"That's an obvious therefore illogical statement Mr Spock" Bones said making fun of him.

After some more time of insults they arrived to a large beautiful hall, but only the sight of a woman sitting on meditating position in the middle of the room interrupted their conversation.

"I've been waiting for you" the mysterious person said opening the eyes after it. The two officers were a little confused so they didn't answer.

"Wich of you is captain James T Kirk?" middle aged woman asked.

"Our captain is out side, I'm the first officer Mr Spock" the vulcan explained

"And I'm chief medical officer doctor McCoy" Leonard added.

The woman nodded.

"You are welcome men from the sun, but you won't find nothing but sand here"

"Well, we'd found you" Bones pointed out.

"We are not different things" the woman explained confusing them even more.

"I don't understand" the doctor said

"I believe she means she's made of sand" Spock answered

"Well, I'd understood that" McCoy angrily replied.

"So you just made an illogical question" the vulcan said.

"Oh, Shut up you vulcan bastard" Bones yelled.

"Stop!" the woman halted them.

"You are disturbing the peace of the holy temple. I'd watched you since you arrived at the planet, you hadn't stopped fighting" she continued. Then a kind of creepy smile appeared on her features.

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