"shit! It's my first day at this new school and I can't be late!" "I can't be" I run down the new corridors through the strange school trying to find the office. i was too busy trying to find the office that i wasn't watching where i was going when "woah!" CRASH! I ran face first into someone's locker. "ouch! That really hurt" and that's when I saw him. The guy staring across at me from the locker i just ran into with the bluest eyes i has ever seen.
"watch where you're going next time"
i couldn't help but stare at the boy standing In front of me, the blonde hair blue eyed boy.
"hey" he said "watch where you're going!" "are you even listening?" "hey wait I haven't seen you around before are you new?"
"oh, new? Oh yeah that's me" i managed to say. i was blown away by how good looking this boy standing In front of me was.
"I'm Blake" the boy In front of me said "maybe next time watch where you're going and I won't have a person shaped dent in my locker" "what's your name anyway?"
"oh, my name right... I'm tilly"
At that moment to school bell rang. Saved by the bell, I guess.
That was 3 months ago and I haven't spoken to Blake again. You see, Blake is the high school quarter back and I am just your ordinary girl who is top of class and straight A student, the typical girl next door. It's like I doesn't exist where Blake is concerned but that hasn't stopped me from thinking about Blake, the gorgeous blonde hair blue eyed boy at every moment i get.
But im not lonely I have two best friends; Lucy who is in the drama club and Leo who happens to be Lucy's twin brother. You'd think having the same friend Lucy and Leo would fight but they never do, well maybe sometimes they have silly arguments but nothing big." Our friendship works so well because Lucy made me and Leo swear that nothing could ever happen between us that we are both off limits. But as if ew! Leo is one of my best friends."
Anyway, they saved me on my first day from the dreaded lunch hall, they called me over and asked me to sit with them and from there on in there was no separating us, we do everything together. Well almost everything.
It's the week of Lucy and Leos 16th birthday and they are having a sweet 16th at their parents' house and I was supposed to be helping them plan but I'm stuck in detention thanks to a certain someone. I've never had detention in my life and it's not even my own fault. But I guess I can't complain I am stuck in detention all week with the person who I've spent my days and nights dreaming about, Blake. I shouldn't be too happy though, after all it is his fault were both stuck in here.
It was just your typical Monday morning pop quiz in English and I finished the test before everyone else. Easy peasy I thought to myself I've smashed it. I spent the rest of the time during the quiz thinking of ideas for Lucy and Leo's sweet 16th party. They had already chosen their cake and colour theme but everything else needed organising so every bit of spare time helps. I let my eyes drift to the boy sitting next to me and that's when I noticed what he was doing. He was copying my test! How dare he! I turned my test sheet over and looked up at him and I was shocked to see those gorgeous blue eyes staring back at me. He tried whispering something to me but I couldn't hear what he was saying I was too caught up in looking into those blue eyes, they were like the colour of the ocean a light crystal blue.
"tilly please, I need to ace this test or I get kicked off the football team"
"tilly turn it back over please"

If it's meant to be
RomanceIt follows the life of Tilly a high school student and her path through her life to finding love.