12.New year's Eve

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After the rogues attack everything seems normal. Zain and I have started talking with each other more often and we were spending more time together lately. We have started my training the very next day after the rogues attack as he promised. He gave me some books to read of laws and rules of lycanthropes.

Though sometimes he is cold and he try to say something but hold up his emotions.

But I can see in his eyes that their is something he is hiding from me but he don't tell me and I don't want to push him. It's just being 15 days we know each other but it seems like forever.

Whenever I am with him I feel that I know him from years. He gives me butterflies in my stomach. But still there is lot to know about him and I don't want to force him to open up until he is not ready.

I want to take it slow because I am loving the journey of knowing Zain.

Whenever Zain is with me he is different a good different and he is like that just with me. He is more than strict, deadliest and cold Alpha king. He opens up to me slowly, smile at me and laugh with me, he is loving, caring, protective and cute and only I know this Zain and because of me people have started to notice a smiling and chilling Zain and that made me feel special, that made me feel good that I can change a cold Alpha's heart in a happy way.

Sometimes Zain opens up like an open book but sometimes he keeps being secretive like a mystery but that's okay. I know one day I am going to solve this mystery. This thought actually made me smile.

It was a new years eve and there is a party in the pack house, god there are a lot of parties here. Kylie and Nat say Zain loved to enjoy and cherish every moment. He loves to make people happy and make them enjoy every moment and make it memorable for everybody.

Zain says that there should be no reason to enjoy a moment. He says he love to see people smile and enjoy their special moments with there loved ones and I love his thoughts. He is very generous and kind hearted person I have ever met.

Finally it's 7 p.m. and now the girls must be coming to get ready and make me get ready. The party was going to start at 9. It was a Ball gown theme party. I am going to wear a blue long gown with matching blue heels. I was thinking to myself and there was a knock on the door. I opened the door and all the 5 girls came in.

"So let's get started." Kylie exclaimed.

"Sure" Claire replied.

"Actually I am very excited and kinda nervous too, it's my first party in this pack. Last in luna party I have came but it was messed up but today I think I gonna enjoy it with Liam and our group." Summer said excitedly and we all nodded.

We all started getting changed one by one we all got in my closet and got changed and came out. We all were wearing elegant long ball gowns but this time of different colours. Veronica's gown was of red colour, Kylie's was yellow, Nat's was dark green, Claire's gown was pink and Summer's gown was of purple and we and all boys decided to do twining. Thought me Zain always do twining but this time our whole group is going to do twining.

I got dressed and Nat and Claire curled my hairs and applied syrum. This time they curled my hairs from bottom with long curls and kept my hairs open and did a high puff, so it was giving my hairs good volume and look nice from behind and removed some strands of hairs from front and curled them giving me a perfect look.

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