Anime vs Reality

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Anime is so different from anime


~~~~~~~NO Sleep~~~~

                                                        |  *Anime Version *| 

*Girl barely sleeps  and its morning*

Girl: Time to go to school  -Bathe gets ready-

Girl: Bye Mom, -Walks out house. Gets to school-

Girl's BFF: Hay, how are you? AMG did you get like a makeover you look sooo pretty. What beauty treatment did you do pleas tell me!!!!

Girl: Uhh, nothing, I kinda did an all nighter -nervous laugh-


                                                          | * Realistic Version *|

*Girl barely sleeps , its morning*

Girl: Amg my breath stank, oohhh, i need to get ready for school. -Bathes get ready..-

Girl: Mom dont forget to pick me up at 3:00 . OKAY MOM? -Walks out house. Gets to school-

GIrl's Class: -Stares at Girl-

Girl:  -Awkardly walks in and sits next to BFF-

Girl's BFF: What happened to you? You look like a monster. You need some makeup asap. Could have thought you were a zombie, and those bags, oh mai. The biggest, deepest bags I've ever seen. Damn.

Girl: The horrid side efeects of a sleepover- faceplants into desk- .


                                                |*Anime VeRsiOn *|

Girl: -Sees crush waving at her, hesitantly goes sits next to him -

Boy(crush): Hay.Havent seen you around lately?

Girl: But I was always h-here  -Blushes and is really nervous-

Boy:Oh- scratches head- didin't see you much sorry

Girl: It's o-okay dont worry. -Picks up water. Butterfingers, accidently drops it-

Boy: Becareful! Oh no youve got yourself all wet. -Gets up and gets girl a tissue-

Girl: No dont worry about  it

Boy: -comes back and wipes up the mess. Looks up at girl-

Girl: -Looks at boy. Blushes. Moves hair out of face- W-well thank you. I think I can handle it from here. 

Boy: O///O

Girl: 0///0

                                                                |* ReaLity VErsiOn *|

Girl: -Walks over to table  after seeing crush inviting over. Sitsdown missed seat by like 3 feet and falls-

Boy: are you Okay?

Girl:-Has lunch all over new clothes, but keeps it cool.- I'm okay.

Boy: -Picks girl up-

Girl: -Gets up then falls and pulls guy 

Guy:  - Hits crotch on bench-

-Everyone else is looking-

Girl: >////< Are you okay? I'm so sorry. Im serious. Let me help you up

Boy: -Groans in pain- No ty. I think i have to go tosome class. -Walks away in pain-.

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