Chapter One

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Harry was alone when he woke up, something he was extremely displeased about. He sat up in the large, cold bed with a yawn escaping his lips. The fuzzy, dark brown ear at the top of his head twitched in annoyance as he took in his surroundings. His boyfriend's jacket and shoes weren't near the closet, indicating that he wasn't home. Harry simply sighed and flung the blankets off of his legs and maneuvered to the side of the bed. As his feet hit the frigid ground, a hiss slid through his lips and his fluffy, dark brown tail wrapped itself around his waist in an attempt for warmth. He was quick to grab a spare blanket that was at the foot of the bed, and wrap it around his boxer-clad self. He hummed in content as he felt a comforting heat creep through him. Just as he was about to turn and leave the room, a flash of white that stood out on the pillow, caught his eye. Stretching across the bed to get the note on the opposite side, he snatched the piece of paper between his fingers and then laid on his stomach as he proceeded to examine the paper.


Ran out to pick some things up for supper. You looked so peaceful sleeping, I couldn't bare to wake you. Hope you're ready to cook some pasta when I get home!

Best boyfriend in the world,


Harry rolled his eyes as he huffed a laugh at Louis' antics. Grumbling to himself, he shimmied off the bed and took a peek out the window. Noticing the sky was black with tiny stars dotting the sky and the moon high in the sky, he frowned. It seemed awfully strange for Louis to be out so late, but Harry just shrugged it off and slipped on a pair of sweatpants. He made his way into the kitchen, where he got himself a glass of warm milk. He attempted to heat it up but was unsuccessful in getting it the way Louis could make it. Continuing to grumble to himself, he flopped down onto the couch and flicked on the telly; only to find that nothing worth watching was on. So far, nothing was going quite right after his little 'cat' nap. Settling back into the couch, laying his head back against the back, he slid his eyes closed and immersed himself in memories, to pass the time.

He remembered his time in the 'pound' before he was purchased by Louis. Harry was considered, then, one of the more dangerous hybrids. All the 'salesmen' were quick to inform potential buyers of Harry's rough and aggressive past. Their stories quickly turned people off from buying him, despite his cute looks. The stories consisted of Harry fighting with other hybrids that challenged him, and even a fight with one of his previous owners. However, one of the biggest things that stopped people from buying him, was his status. There were two types of hybrids, submissives and dominants. Harry, of course, was a dominant. His status was nearly unheard of for his kitten breed, but he defied the odds. Little girls were the first ones to run to his cage and crow that they wanted him. Their fathers would follow closely behind and get information from the salesmen. Once the word 'dominant' slid passed the lips of the salemen, the father would be quick to guide his daughter away from the dangerous hybrid. No father wanted a potential threat in his house that could harm his daughter. So, Harry became used to the multitude of people approaching his cage, but then quickly avoiding him. Needless to say, the day that a petite, blue-eyed, caramel-haired boy crouched by his cage and stayed there for longer than five minutes, Harry was in shock. The boy stuck a finger through the bars of the cage, wiggling it towards the hybrid. The saleman's voice rose in worry, fearing the hybrid would bite the boy. Harry stared into the boy's blue, scenting the air curiously. He internally purred at the boy's heavenly scent. Leaning forward, he bumped the boy's finger with his nose, inhaling deeper, before rubbing his cheek along the digit.

"I'll take him." The boy's slightly higher than normal voice chimed into the stunned air surrounding them.

"What?" The salesman choked out. The boy sighed in annoyance.

"I said, I'll take him." The boy said slightly strained, as annoyance grated on his nerves.

"But, wouldn't you prefer one of our more calm, nice hybrids? Perhaps a submissive instead? This one is quite aggressive, and know for rough behavior from previous owners. He is also a dominant. And, pardon me, sir, but you are quite small." The salemans spluttered, attempting to act concerned. The boy turned his head and glared at the man.

"I do not have to explain myself to you. All you need to care about is that I'm paying a rather high price for him. Now, unlock his cage so I can take him home." The boy barked out, causing the saleman to flinch and nod. The boy gently scratched Harry's cheek before standing up and stepping away from the cage. The saleman made quick work of unlocking the cage, before cautiously opening the door. Harry's ears were pinned to his head as he extended a hand towards the exit.

"C'mon, love. C'mon out, so we can head home." The boy's soothing voice breezed over Harry. He felt himself calm down, and was able to extract himself without much worry. Once out, Harry slowly stood, feeling the bones in his back crack and his knees creak. His dirty, loose clothes hung off of his tall, lean body. Finally standing, Harry was able to take in the petiteness that was his new owner. The boy's head barely reached Harry's shoulders. Harry felt himself hum happily as he noticed the boy's attractiveness. Not only did he have a handsome face and gorgeously tanned skin, he also had a curvy little body with a little pouch on his tummy that Harry found adorable. The boy craned his neck and gave Harry a full tooth smile.

"Hello, love. I'm Louis." The boy identified himself. Harry found himself tasting the name on his lips before he replied.

"Harry." The hybrid mumbled out, as the salesman interrupted him.

"You only have to sign a few things after you pay and then you may be on your way." The saleman assured, turning around and walking towards the office. Louis ignored the man, continuing to look up at Harry, a smile still plastered on his face.

"Well Harry, you'll be coming home with me. If you like?" A questioning tone took to his words towards the end. Harry's lips quirked up in a shadow of a smile. Harry gave a shallow nod, but the other seemed to understand, for he clapped his hands together.

"Okay then! Let's finish up some paperwork and then we can be on our way!" Louis exclaimed happily, bouncing off towards the office. Harry followed quickly behind; and as he took in the shapely form of his new owner, he wasn't all too displeased.

Feral Instincts [Larry Stylinson AU Hybrid]Where stories live. Discover now