[0] - Shadow of the light

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,,In the beginning He created the heavens and the earth. Now the earth was formless and empty. Darkness was on the surface of the deep. His Spirit was hovering over the surface of the waters. "Let there be light," He said, and there was light. He saw the light, and saw that it was good. God divided the light from the darkness. He called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night." — Book of Genesis


As the light rays slowly came up from the heavens, meeting with the cold earth after a long and sorrowful night of the darkness, nature woke up from its sleep, that seemed to last eternity. The Green of the scenery became more vibrant, with the slim strides of long grass rhythmically shaking to the pace of the waltz, the wind plays them. This illusion created an infinite emerald ocean, waving silvery like the strings of a majestic playing harp.

— The sun is shining so beautifully today. — She said sweetly. A woman standing in the middle of that so-called ocean.

Her long pale yellow strands of hair spin delicately in the air, matching the pace of the dancing grass. One. Two. Three. Her long, white dress decided to join in the dance too. Like a flower calyx, the snow-white petals of her dress were blown by the wind's force. It could seem that the fragile posture of this woman couldn't withstand such a force. Yet she was still standing there, in the middle of nowhere, looking ahead of herself, and smiling. She brushed her hair of her porcelain face with her thin hand, looking forward, enjoying the very moment she was in.

— Why is it, that the flowers have not awakened yet? Every year I come here at this time, they are already in full bloom... — She spoke quietly, kneeling down. She melted in the rays of her favorite sun, with the ocean.

— Don't expect nature to do as you please. A heartless force like this won't be pleased with your beauty, it won't listen to you, it will do as it pleases itself. This year she won't show her treasures to you. You need to accept this. Nothing that you will approach in the future, will come out in a way you want.

A young man approached her from the back. Like life-giving light and life-taking darkness. Day and night, Sun and Moon. This man was a polar opposite of the serene goddess sitting innocently on the ground. The pitch-black hair, even exposed to the sunlight, still remained dark, like an obsidian stone. A tall person with broad shoulders. A strong posture, wearing black dignified clothes. Everyone looking at him could say at once. This man is a someone. Glancing at the world with a strong sight, with his narrow scarlet eyes from beneath the long and dark eyelashes, below thick, frowning eyebrows. Strong facial features made everyone immediately turn their gaze away from him, afraid that any second longer, and they will be turned into stone from the force coming from his eyes. He stood like that in the wind, yet it couldn't dare to move him a bit. His hair didn't accept the invitation to the dance.

— You... Why are you approaching life like this... — The woman stopped smiling, and glanced down at her own hands, contrasting with the grass in her shadow. — I still can't understand you. I'm not like you. I can forgive people. And I will forgive nature. It's a force I have no control of.

— I lived on this Earth quite a while... This is the universal truth I come to understand. Humans, even if they think they are the holiest creatures stomping on this ground, always at the end, think only of themselves. Bringing misfortune to others, life is a difficult race, that only the strongest can win. — The man came closer to the women, to the point that his shadow was entirely covering her from the blessings of the Sun.

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