Strange murders...

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Two little children were out playing when they came across a huge forest. It was sunset and they were playing tag. They ran threw the forest chasing one another. The one in front who's name was Alice stopped running from a note on a tree distracted her. Soon after she came upon the note the smaller one behind her chasing who's name was Raven ran into Alice knocking them both down. They started laughing and got up.

"Raven over here!" Said Alice bringing Raven to the spot where the note was.

"Look a note!" Said Alice pointing at the note. Raven walked over to it and picked it off the tree on her tip toes.

"What's it say?" Asked Raven not being old enough to read yet. Alice took the note and read it aloud, "Always watching... No eyes?" Alice said confused. How can something see without eyes? The note had some scribbles on it that Alice found interesting. So she decided to keep it. It was getting dark and they didn't want to worry there parents so they headed out of the forest. They walked on and on threw the seemingly never ending forest. They were sure it hadn't been this long of a walk when they first got into the forest even if they were running.

"It cant be much farther now." Said Alice trying to make Raven feel better because she was getting scared of the darkness of the forest.

"I'm getting tired Alice." Raven whined scared and sore.

"Well I don't know what to do about that..." Alice said. She then heard a noise behind her and Raven then what ever it was spoke.

"Then why don't you... GO TO SLEEP." Alice and Raven looked behind them to where the voice was and saw a person in a white hoodie and pale white skin. From that they could make out a unnaturally large smile in his face. He spoke again.

"Here I'll help you sleep." He ran at them and they both screamed and began running. Alice and Raven ran but the man caught Raven and pinned her down to the ground. She screamed and the man said.

"Lets make you beautiful..." He then pulled a knife out of his pocket and cut into her face a smile. Alice stood there in horror seeing this happen. Then the man slit her neck and the girl stopped screaming and moving. Alice saw the man look up at her and she ran as fast as she could trying to escape this evil forest. Then Alice tripped and instead of falling onto the ground she was lifted up into the air by what she tripped on. She saw black tentacles coming from a tall faceless man in a suit and tie. She then felt herself being impaled on to a tree.


In London Ciel Phantomhive was busy in his study when Sebastian walked in with a letter.

"A new assignment?" Ciel Asked. Sebastian nodded.

"Yes, it seems that there are murders going on around London and the queen would like a stop to it." Ciel nodded.

"So how are they being killed?" Asked Ciel. "Most of the killings are very different but there are more cases for each one that was killed a certain way." Said Sebastian.

"What do you mean?" Asked Ciel.

"Well, there are a few different ways that most are being killed. Four different ways to be exact." informed Sebastian.

"Well then we should see these different ways there being killed. Have everything ready in 15 minutes were going to the Undertaker's" Said Ciel.

****Time skip brought to you by Jeffery and Slender killings****

Ciel and Sebastian entered the Undertaker's.

Sebastian as he did when they went to the undertakers made him laugh as payment.

"So how where they people killed?" Asked Ciel.

The undertaker walked over to a coffin and there was a young boy.

"Well this one seemed to have been tortured, His eyes and tongue were removed and his stomach was cut open and filled with candy." Said The Undertaker giving a slight giggle.

"Are there any suspects?" Ciel asked.

"Well his father was arrested. He told them it wasn't him and it was a psychotic clown. He was sent to the asylum."

"And the others, are they killed the same way?" Asked Ciel.

"No actually the others are very different." He said walking over to another coffin which held a teen girl, her eyelids were removed and she had a large smile carved in her face from ear to ear.

"She was stabbed multiple times, they rest of what happened to her is on her face. There was another, a small girl. She was impaled on a tree in a big forest a little ways out of town. And another's kidneys were gone." Said the undertaker laughing a little.

"Alright, we should be going now. Until we can get anymore leads on the case." Ciel said.

"Yes, young master." Sebastian replied.

Ciel and Sebastian walked out of the Undertaker's.

"There's something strange about these murders. They all seem completely different yet related somehow." Ciel said.

"I feel the same way young master. Perhaps we should start off bye questioning the father of the young boy that was tortured to death?" Said Sebastian.

"Yes i think that would be a good start..." Ciel said as Sebastian helped him into the carriage.


Heyo peeps! Hope ya liked it so far! I feel like it seems sorta dull but it will get more interesting I promise! See ya soon! Also comment any ideas or suggestion if ya got any! Byezez!

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