~♡ Chapter 7 ♡~

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Natsuki's P.O.V

I held my breath as I walked up the path to my house. All I can do is pray that papa's asleep.
I slowly and silently open the door and shut it behind myself. I broke out in a nervous sweat as I tiptoed out of the kitchen. I finally exhale and walk down the hallway, before walking right into something and falling backwards to the floor, shaking. I looked up hesitantly and immediately recognised the cruel, merciless face above. Papa.

Yuri's P.O.V

I tiredly make my way into the kitchen, ready to make myself some dinner. I'd already fed Hachiko and let him come out of his cage for a while, I feel bad keeping him cooped up in there all day but it's not as if I'm treating him badly. I put some yakisoba in the microwave and go back into the living room to watch TV. I scroll through the variety of Netflix originals before landing on an interesting-looking show called Black Mirror. I turn it on and go to take my dinner from the microwave.
After eating and watching a few episodes on TV, I turn it off and take out my phone for a while. I'd gotten a missed call from Monika, but didn't think much of it. She'd only be checking up on me and asking if I needed anything. I find myself wanting to text Natsuki. Honestly, I do miss her company. It's been terribly lonely here ever since my parents went on that business trip amd my sister moved to a college dorm, of course I can take care of myself but that doesnt make it any less boring here on my own.

7:17 PM

Yuri: Hey Natsuki, I hope
you're doing well.

Natsuki: Hi Yuri. I'm fine.
Thanks for asking.

Yuri: I really enjoyed going
to Aeon today, would you
maybe like to do something
similar next week?

Natsuki: No. I can't, sorry.

Yuri: Oh okay, it doesn't
matter. Maybe another

I felt myself getting desperate. I really wated to hang out with Natsu- with Monika, Sayori and Natsuki again but I shouldn't pressure her. I don't want to force her into anything.

Natsuki: No, Yuri. I mean
I can't go out at all. Not for now,
anyway. My dad got pissed.

Yuri: That's fine, sorry to
hear that... Are you okay?

Natsuki: Yea. I'm fine.

I decided to leave the conversation at that. I didn't want Natsuki to think I'm being too personal, although I'm a little upset we cant hang out like yesterday any time soon.

Natsuki's P.O.V

Fuck. Everything hurts so bad. Papa's furious. He locked me in my room so he could go out drinking after screaming at me and beating me. I just want the pain to stop and for it all to go away. At least I'd had Yuri to talk to but she'd stopped responding to me. Every time I blink I can feel my eyelid bruising, and my nose is still a little bloody from earlier's encounter.
Maybe I do deserve this pain and misery, maybe this my fault...
I hug my knees and begin to cry, even crying hurts but I don't care. Nothing matters right now. As pathetic as is sounds, crying makes me feel better, like I've let it all out at once. I slowly find myself growing tired so I hide beneath my bed covers and close my eyes, hoping tomorrow won't be so awful.

Yuri's P.O.V

I wake up, early as usual, and rub my eyes a little. I chug a glass of water left on my bedside table and go to get dressed. I decided I'd wear one of my turtlenecks and some leggings again, it may be boring but it works for me.
I made some toast in the kitchen along with a cup of tea, I was painfully hungry although I didn't think muchvof it, I just ate quicker than usual. After I'd eaten, I took Hachiko out of his cage again and cleaned out the enclosure.
Not long after, I got a text from Sayori,

9:26 AM

Sayori:"Hey Yuriii! Me and
Moni are gonna take a
walk to the park, you and
Natsuki wanna come?"

I was surprised to see Sayori texting me at thid time, she normally only wakes up around eleven, if you're lucky. I then think back to Natsuki- although she'd already mentioned being grounded, it wouldn't hurt to text her, right?

9:28 AM

Yuri: Hey Natsuki. I know
you said you had to stay in
out but me, Sayori and
Monika might be going to
the park if you can go

Natsuki: Uh- sure I can't
stay out for too long though.

Yuri: Okay, I'll meet you at
your place in ten minutes?

Natsuki: Okay, see ya

I smiled to myself, happy we could all go, together. I texted Sayori to let her know we could both go, and then got ready to head out.

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