3. The Vicomte

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Christine's performance that evening was perfect, and once the show was over, Elise and Meg were quick to congratulate her.
"You were spectacular" praised Meg.
"Yes, I've never heard you sing so well" added Elise.
"Thank you" smiled Christine.
"You really were perfect. I only wish I knew your secret. Who is your mysterious singing tutor?" Asked Meg.
"I wish I knew... Before my fathers death, he promised that he would send me an angel of music. And I have been visited by an angel. At night the angel calls to me, and I sing back to him" replied Christine.

"I think you must have been dreaming" grinned Meg.
"Yes. It must have been a dream, angels aren't real" reminded Elise, who was desperate for her fathers visits to Christine to remain a secret.
And pretending that they were a figmant of Christine imagination, seemed like a good way to keep the secret.
"I'm not so sure, I-" Christine faltered as attractive young man approached the group.
Judging by his clothes he looked wealthy, so Meg and Elise lowered their heads respectfully, but Christine didn't.
"Raoul?" Questioned Christine.
"I wasn't sure if you would remember me" replied the man.

"You two know each other?" Asked Elise.
"Forgive me ladies, my name is Vicomte Raoul De Chagney" answered Raoul.
"We were childhood friends. But we haven't seen each other in years" explained Christine.
"Right. Well, we'll allow you both to reaquainted" Elise said quietly before turning around with Meg, and heading back the way they came.
"He was very handsome" commented Meg, once they were out of ear shot.
"I guess. Christine seemed very surprised to see him" admitted Elise.
"Do you think he loves her?"
"I doubt it, as they haven't seen each other since they were children"
"Haven't you ever heard of love at first sight?"
"Of course. But I don't believe in it".

"Synic. I think it would be nice if they got together. Childhood sweethearts reunited. It's like a perfect love story" smiled Meg dreamily.
"Yeah. Sure" mumbled Elise.
She was not a big believer in love, since her parents had certainly never been in love, as her father had paid her mother money, to spend time with her.
Elise was also rather worried about what would happen next. Because if Raoul was a love interest for Christine, Elise knew one person who would not be very happy with this information.

"I've just remembered something I was supposed to do. I'll catch you up" continued Elise, before turning around and heading towards Christine's dressing room.
She watched from the shadows as Raoul exited the room alone.
A few moments later another figure approached the door, locking it, and dissappearing again in a matter of seconds.
Elise knew that the figure had been her father, and she was about to follow him when she felt a cold hand on her shoulder.

Elise spun around and saw Madame Giry standing before her.
"What's going on?" Asked Elise quietly.
"Nothing that you need to concern yourself with" replied Madame Giry.
"But he just-"
"Silence. You saw nothing, do you understand?"
"But I-"
"The masters plan is not be questioned. And you are not to get involved. Is that understood?".
Elise sighed and nodded her head.
"Good. I would also like to remind you not to return to the catacombs tonight. You are to go back to your room in the boarding house and stay there until you are told otherwise" continued Madame Giry.

Elise didn't like being told doing what to do, but she knew that Madame Giry was not a woman you wanted to cross, especially as she acted on her fathers orders.
Whatever the phantom had planned for Christine, Elise was apparently not going to find out.
Madame Giry seemed to know, but Elise was being kept out of the loop, which made her angry.
However, Elise knew she had no choice but to obey Madame Giry's orders and rejoin the other ballerina's.

She didn't get very far though before an out of breath Raoul ran into her.
"Can I help you Vicomte?" Asked Elise.
"Please, call me Raoul. And yes, you can. Do you have a key to Christine's dressing room, or know where I might find one?" Questioned Raoul.
"I don't have one. But why do you need a key to her room?" Quizzed Elise suspiciously.
"Christine was supposed to meet me downstairs but when she didn't come I came back to get her, but found her door locked"
"Can't you get her to open it from the inside?"
"She's not there. Or a least she won't open the door to me. I fear that she may be in danger".

Elise frowned, "Just because she's not letting you in to her room, it doesn't mean that she's in danger".
"I know that. But I heard a strange male voice inside the room. I only heard it for a second, before it disappeared. But there was definately someone else in there with her, which is why I'm worried about her" admitted Raoul.
Elise froze, because she had seen her father lock the door, and she also knew that there was a passageway that lead into that room through one of the mirrors.
The phantom it seemed, had taken Christine, to stop her going on her date with Raoul.

"Well, I don't have any keys to any of the rooms, since I'm just a chorus girl. Only those in charge of the theatre have keys. The new owners should have a set, as should Madame Giry, and there might be another set floating about somewhere" admitted Elise, who's thoughts were on her fathers keys.
"Right, thank you" Raoul turned to go, but stopped himself.
"What is your name?" He questioned.
"Thank you for your help Elise. Although I have to admit that you seem very young to be a member of this theatre company"
"I am the youngest cast member, as I'm only 13. But when you are an orphan, and the choreographers niece, certain allowances can be made for you"
"I see. Well, thank you for your help"
"You're welcome Vicomte".

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