Chapter 2

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Just one more. It will be my last. I have probably said those words to myself a thousand times, bur never actually go by them.

I pressed the blade down on my skin as blood started to pour out. It makes me upset that I do this, but I just can't get myself to stop.

Cutting doesn't just feel good, it fixes me, it heals me.

It was currently 7:32 AM and school started at 8. I rushed to get ready. It really doesn't matter what I wear because I will get made fun of anyway, so I just through on a VS PINK sweatshirt and some leggings, and my black uggs. I left my hair natural. I put a little face makeup, but I never, and I mean never wear eye makeup, especially not to school.

I don't wear eye makeup because I always end up crying and then the makeup will just get EVERYWHERE and be a pain, so it's just easier if I don't wear any.

I ran out the door before my uncle woke up. I always walked to school. I liked the way the cool fall air felt. It made me feel a little bit better.

As I arrived to school the emotions started to come. I always felt horrible as I looked at the school that holds the people that tear me apart. Break down everything inside of me, and basically kill me. I try everyday to hold in the tears and put on a smile, but I can't. I'm just not one of those people that can hold in my emotions or else I will burst.

As I entered the school I felt sick to my stomach, as well as dizziness. I am used to these feelings, though.

I noticed I wasn't immediately thrown against the wall, or being covered in someone's drink. Why? Everyone always rushed to go have there daily fun with the school's punching bag. Why not today?

I noticed they were all crowding around this boy. He hade green eyes and brown hair. He was really tall and extremely cute. I guess he was new.

Then all of a sudden the memories started flooding to my brain, and back to the pool incident. I knew who this boy was I've seen him before, but who was he.


A/N sorry for the really short chapter, but I think u guys will really like the next chapter. Also I will Try to update "forever" soon.

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