Chapter 2

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-6years later (normal now time)-

Jisung is now in college and ever since he fully started college his parents have been arguing and shouting at each other all the time that whenever the whole family is home and doesn't have work when he used to show his parents his new songs and raps he has been working on he cannot show them to his parents anymore because they have been too occupied in arguing and yelling at each other which broke Jisungs heart to watch his parents fight but I guess he has just grown used to it now......
For his random breakdowns however.....they still happened....his mom was completely aware of them too and was always there with him when he had them to comfort him....he has even been going to therapy for it hoping he can find answers on what all of it was about and why it was happening to him and why it happens at random moments and not even give a single sign on when it is going to happen.........
Minho however he has been having it rough still with his father at home.....he managed to get into college without resitting his maths exams thanks to his help from his mother but his father still wasn't happy with him or proud but in minhos head he thought "when had he ever been proud of me in the first place" it broke minhos heart to know he had a father that didn't even love him and it made it worse that minhos fathers pleasure when minhos around is hitting him and yelling in his face like he does everyday.....he always have a reason or finds an excuse to hit or yell at him what made things even worse than things were minhos father was extremely mad at the choice Minho made in college....he decided to do dance and singing in college at Seoul's college of dance where he also got singing lessons there too which helped him for his future career he wants to pursue which is a kpop singer and dancer
But his father in the other hand hated his choice of a college study and hates him even more now that he knows he isn't doing business in college and become a businessman like him.......

-Jisungs therapy-

"Okay so how often has it been happening since the last time we met...?"asks the therapist to Jisung
"Well some days it only happens once or twice a day but really recently since college has started again it's been happening around 3 to 4 times a day......"Jisung replies
"Hmm....I see.....well we have been thinking through the things you have said and it could.....we don't know for sure yet but it could be two potential things but one of them maybe a bit hard to imagine and may sound ridiculous but it could be the case"says the therapist
"What are those two things it could be.....?"ask Jisung
"Well....I will tell you the first one option could be that this is a sign of anxiety or stress as you have said during the holidays it only happened once or twice a day but when college started again you have been suffering with them a lot more that usual so this could mean the stress of college work is getting to you in a quite different and weird way than usual and also could be the stress of your parents arguing because you mentioned that your parents argue a lot ever since you started college and in the holidays you have the whole day to adapt to the arguing but when u get home from college you are not used to it as you haven't been around them for the day so it could stress you out a bit more than what it would usually when you are with them......"says the therapist
"Mmmm....yeah I guess but I haven't suffered from my anxiety since I was in primary school and the effects were totally different....?"says Jisung
"Yes.....but as you have said you haven't suffered from your anxiety since you were in primary school......this could be a sign of your anxiety coming back as it has been bothering you for how long now 6years?....."asks the therapist
"Mhhmm 6years it's been happening since I first felt myself about to breakdown......"Jisung replies
" this could be a sign that your anxiety is coming back and with the stress of college it will make it even worse for you....."says the therapist
"Okay......what's the second thing it could be...?"Jisung asks curious on what else this could be
"So I'm looking more into this as I don't know for sure that this could actually be the case but I will update you further when I found out more about this......but the signs of you wanting to breakdown is that could be potentially be feeling......"the therapist stutters to tell Jisung
"I could be potentially feeling what...?"Jisung questions
"You could be potentially feeling somebody else's emotions along with a can feel what they feel and if this is the case then your soulmate is hurt quite a lot in her/his heart as this is where you can feel the hurt the most this could mean your soulmate his having a hard time getting over a breakup as this is normal at your ages or she/he could be hurt by something else or someone else important to her/his life......but I guess it's up to you to believe in this......I will look more into this case for you and keep you updated with every detail I find out...."says the therapist
"Wait....soulmate?? I guess I never actually thought I would have a soulmate or even actually think they were real....."says Jisung confused and surprised at the same time
"I guess you will find out and I will help you okay you just need to keep me updated on these things that happen to you and how often you do it and hopefully we can help your anxiety before it gets worse or potentially help your soulmate if it is the other case......"says the therapist
"Yeah.....I will make sure to know for definite how often it happens to me and I will tell you straight away......and I would appreciate it if you kept me updated with the second case findings because if it is a soulmate or something like that I want to make sure I can help in every way........"says Jisung
"Don't worry I this is the end of your checkup how about you come back next week and I will check up on you again and see how you are doing and I will research as much as I can until then okay......"says the therapist
"Yeah....okay....thank you so much for today and thanks for giving me your time to help me with this ridiculous situation...."says Jisung
"Anytime Jisung and it's not a ridiculous situation......we just need to figure out what it is so we can help you further...."says the therapist
"Yeah okay..."replies Jisung
"Come on let's take you back to your mom...."says the therapist

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