Chapter 3

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-next day-

Jisung was walking to college......Minho too....

-Jisungs POV-

It was really cloudy today in Seoul which brung my mood down more than it already was....maybe all of this really was my anxiety coming back because normally I'm happy walking to college even if it is a cloudy day like this one......

I was walking on my usual route to when I felt a bit of pain in my heart it, made me collapse to my knees....hoping it will end quickly before it gets stopped not so long later when someone tapped me on the shoulder

"Hey....are you okay...?" A brunette boy knelt down to me helping me up on my feet when I realised all his bruises on his face.....
"Uh yeah....I'm good....."I tell him...
"Are you didn't look so good when I found you knelt on the floor holding your heart....
"No really I'm okay....."I tell him again
"Okay......well I gotta get is starting soon..."the brunette boy tells me
"Wait!..."I yell before he walks off
"Hmm?"he turns around to face me again and answers
"I didn't even get your name?"I tell him....
"Oh...I'm lee Minho."he says to me putting his jacket hood up now covering the side of his face with the bruises on.....
"Nice to meet you Minho my name is Han Jisung..."I reply back to him curious on why suddenly he is covering his face
"It's nice to meet you too....wait aren't you that really good rapper and singer that usually performs at the Seoul's colleges performance staging ?"Minho asks me....
"Oh....uh yeah....I'm not that good though"I slightly blush at his compliment....
"You are...your really good I wish I had the confidence to perform as much as you go to seouls college of performing arts right ?"Minho asks me
"Uh....yeah....which college do you go to...?"I ask feeling something inside me tingle....I don't know why but I instantly feel comefortable around Minho ever since he said his first word to me I felt safe....?
"I go to Seoul's college of dance which I also take singing lessons there too....."Minho tells me
"I thought I recognised you before....your that really good backup dancer for one my college departments group right...?"I ask him
"Aha yeah but I'm honestly not that good at dancing I guess it's just something I enjoy doing....."Minho says
"You are really good...your better than most the other backup dancers and I'm sure your mom and dad are so proud of you"I tell him.....
When I realised his smile he has had on his face faded slightly when I mention his parents
"Mmm yeah my mom is proud and so is my d-dad"Minho lies stuttering to say dad
"Yeah..?"I was getting quite worried for him by the way he stuttered to say dad but I didn't get too much into it because it was none of my business and there is probably nothing wrong anyway I guess it's really early in the morning in a cloudy dull day in Seoul everyone has little stutter moments it's totally normal.....I am thinking way too much into this.....

-noones POV-

Minho could feel his heart tighten as he tried to hold his tears in and escape the conversation him and Jisung were having and Jisung noticed a small tear fall down his face
"Hey are you okay....?"Asks Jisung worriedly
"Mmm yeah I'm fine.....I'm just gonna go to college now before we are is my number if you ever need anything....not like you will but ya know here it is anyway just in case....."Minho says passing Jisung a piece of paper with his number on......
Before Jisung could reply Minho was already halfway gone down the streets walking towards his college head looking down at the floor while he walks.....
Jisung immediately saved Minho's number to his phone....and carried on walking to college before he was late

-time skip to break-

Jisung was with his friends chan,Felix,seungmin,hyunjin changbin And jeongin......

Jisung kept trying to text Minho to see if he was okay and if he would like to hangout sometime but he wasn't getting a reply.....
"Who you texting....?"Asks chan looking over at jisungs phone
Jisung quickly turns off his phone before any of them see who he was texting.....
"Oh uh no one just my mom....."jisung lies
"Okay...?"chan replied looking at him weirdly
"Hey guys wanna hang out at my place tonight"says Felix with his deep Aussie accent...
"Sorry Felix but I gotta catch up on homework I've been so into writing new songs that I have totally forgot about my homework...."jisung says which he did need to catch up on homework but he also wanted to get to know Minho more if he replied to his messages jisung didn't know why but he felt so attached to this boy he has just met on the way to college and he felt a warm connection with him so he wanted to know more about this mysterious boy......
"That's too bad it would've been fun with you too....anyone else coming..."Felix Asks looking straight at his boyfriend changbin
"Felix you know I'm coming round to yours tonight I always do.....coz I love being around my Aussie"he smirks at Felix
Felix blushes at what changbin said to him....
"I will only come if you two promise not to be so clingy and flirty with eachother every minute of the hour"explains seungmin
"Same....I will come if you promise that too..."says hyunjin
"Okay okay we promise aha"laughs Felix
"What we gonna do anyway at yours ?"Asks jeongin
"Probably play video games....order a takeaway ? My mom has made a cake aswell so we can have some of that"says Felix
"Okay I'm in then....I will text my mom and tell her....."Replies jeongin
"Yeah alright then I will come...."says chan
"Don't have too much without me lol"laughs jisung
"We will be having so much fun jisung just to make you jealous..."laughs hyunjin
"Aha yeah course none of can't have as much fun as it would be if I was around......"says jisung seriously
"Okay aha we need go back to college now it's gonna start again soon"says Felix......

They return back to college.....

-time skip to end of college-

"Well we will see you soon jisung text us yeah keep you company while you do your homework aha"Shouts Felix to jisung as the others set of to his house
"Yeah sure okay aha"laughs jisung back and started to walk back home

On the way home he constantly kept checking his messages to see if Minho text him back......he didn't..... "why haven't you answered..."jisung says to himself in his head
He puts his phone away in his pocket with a sigh and carried on his way home....

-Minho arrives back home from his college-

He walks into his house and is greeted by his mom who was waiting for him...
"Hey sweetie...did you have a good day at college...?"she asks him
"Mhmm"Minho Replies
"Good....hey lets get some ice on these bruises...they have swollen quite a bit...."jisoo says to her son noticing one side of his face was a bit puffy
But Minho just wanted to go to his room and sit with sooni,doongi and dori......
"Hey....don't worry he isn't here at the moment your okay....."jisoo tells him as she notices that he wants to go up to his room and looks scared to be out of his room in his own house
"Where is he....?sorry I shouldn't's none of my business"
"He is at your uncles house drinking most likely....."Replies his mother telling him where he is immediately
"Oh....."Replies Minho

They were know in the kitchen making Minho's swelling face fade a bit.....
"Make sure you keep this on your face for a bit okay...."says jisoo
"Yeah okay....can I go to my room now..."Replies Minho politely....
"Yeah of course.....if you need me just come down to me Okay and I will be making dinner in about an hour Okay...."tells jisoo
"Yeah okay.....I will come down and help you...."Replies Minho
"Oh baby you don't have to.."says jisoo
"But I want to..."Replies Minho
"Okay...."says jisoo with a smile on her face watching her son grab his bag and go to his room......
"I will always be proud of you Minho...."she whispers under her breath...

Apart but still together~ minsungWhere stories live. Discover now