But Your Perfect (Niall Horan Sexual One Shot)

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This One shot was written by more1Dstories on tumblr. I hope you guys like it and please give me feedback and tell me what kind of one shots you want! (this one shot is not meant for people under 13)


But Your Perfect

"Please tell me you're kidding?!"

"Should it matter Niall? I am allowed to do whatever I want with my body. If I WANT to get a nose job I can!"

You and Niall had been in a pestering fight for almost two hours. It wasn't that you hated your body or you were insecure in anyway but there were some things that you just wanted to change for yourself, and your nose was one of them.

"You're going to look like you've been in a bar fight! Do you not realize how long recovery takes?"

"Again Ni why does it matter?"

"We don't even be able to go in public with you all bruised up!"

"We're not having this discussion, i'm doing what I want to do. If you don't like it leave."

"FINE I WILL LEAVE!" He slammed the door with enough force to knock the a picture off the wall next to the front door. Walking over to it you seen that it was a picture of you and Niall from your first anniversary. It was taken under Cinderellas tower at Disneyland, the glass was broken and the frame was broke in two.

Immediently you started to cry praying that your broken picture frame wasn't going to soon be the resemblance of your broken relationship. You and Niall never fought but every time you did he always stayed behind, he never once walked out. And tonight he did.

You knew you couldn't let yourself sit at home all by yourself and cry about Niall, as much as you really wanted to. So you walked down to the corner store and picked up the ingredients for Nialls favorite meal. It wasn't until you had already checked out and was on your way home that you had realized even when you were fighting with Niall he was still on your mind the whole time.

When you arrived back home a familiar scent filled your nose, someone was in the kitchen cooking.

"Niall, is that you?" Without an answer you waltzed into the kitchen almost expecting it not to be Niall. Lucky you it was, he was standing over the stove with his brows furrowed in complete concentration.

"Niall?" You cautiously asked again.

"Jessica, I didn't even hear you come in."

"Well you look really concentrated so i'll just let you finish whatever your doing." Reluctantly he pulled away from the stove lightly grasping at your shirt.

"Jess, i'm sorry. I didn't mean to yell at you earlier, I just think you're perfect the way you are. You shouldn't have to change anything about yourself."

"I know, but I want to. It's just something that I want to change about myself." He just shrugged. "I'm still going to be the same Jessica as I was when we met."

"I beg to differ babe."


Gently he pushed you back against the counter, his hands moving to your hips brushing his lips against your neck.

"You are much better at this now."

You buried her face in the crook of his neck as he took in your scent. He was running his hands through your hair as he continued on your neck. You slowly pulled your head back and started to unbutton his shirt. He was just just staring at you as you undressed him and you were suddenly struck by how breathtakingly beautiful he was.

"I won't walk out on your again, I promise."

Niall took no time to start removing your clothes, slowly at first until you could tell he was having a hard tie controlling himself. Piece by piece your clothes were thrown accrossed the kitchen falling in heaps on the floor.

More aggressively than before he propped you up onto the counter. Completely naked you shivered at the cold touch of the marble underneith you. He took your breasts in his mouth, moving his lips to the back of your neck as you began to melt in his arms.

He pulled your body to his as he kissed you and slipped his fingers deeply inside of you, causing you to moan out in pleasure. Swiftly he started to remove his own clothes realizing that he was still almost completely clothed.

When he laid you on the counter, he took his tongue and ran it across your delicate skin until he slipped his member inside of you, waiting for you to adjust.

You gave him a positive nod letting his lips move down your chest as he picked up a swift rythmn. Hearing your name on his lips, set you into an insanely passionate kiss for him as he slowly danced inside of you.

"Jess- I-I can't.." You knew he was just about on the edge, so you brought your lips to his collarbone taking a nip and then quickly soothing it over with your tongue. He knew exactly what he was doing to you and you knew it too.

Shaking beneath him was just enough for him to release before you even came down from your high. He had nuzzled his face into your neck dropping soft wet kisses.

Something was strikingly odd about the climate. Niall was still nuzzled in your neck when you realized what had set you off. It was the smoke that was started to lift in the kitchen.


"Seriously Jess I don't think I can go round two this quick."

"No Niall! Dinner, you're burning dinner!"

But Your Perfect (Niall Horan Sexual One Shot)Where stories live. Discover now