Chapter Three

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"LEO!" I scream, removing the fluffy pillow from my head. The clinking stops, and a door opens. 

"....yes?" His quiet voice is scared. My nostrils flare from annoyance. I've heard that clink noise for the past two hours and I'm sick of it. 

"Get. Down. Here. Now," I growl, waiting till Leo's standing in front of me before deciding to yell at him. To beg him to stop whatever madness he's doing. "I don't know what you're doing, and I don't know why it's so loud, but I want it all to stop. It's Friday night! Go outside, go party! Go back to Donny's and use the gift card to buy all the ice cream you can handle! You should not be in the house playing with whatever machine you're playing with! So please, for the love of god, get out of my house."

Leo stares at me, sighing in defeat before nodding. I give myself a celebratory pat on the back before following him to the door, throwing him a plain gray sweatshirt. 

He looks up. "Do I have to go?"

I blink. "Unless you plan on doing something besides continuing whatever you were doing before, then no. But I'd rather you go do something, it's a really nice night out!"

Leo sits there, contemplating his options before his baby blue eyes light up with an idea. His mischievous grin directed at me makes my eyes widen. 

"What if we go cart racing at Walmart?" Leo asks excitedly. Now I'm smiling, running back into the kitchen to grab an apple and my keys before we're both running down the street to get to Walmart. 

"The produce aisle always has the best racing arena," I comment, walking across the street when the walk sign turns on. Leo scoffs, shaking his head in disagreement. 

"Deli aisle is much better, especially if you crash and burn, you land on meat."

"No, no, no. We're doing produce aisle, that way I can get some apples during the race," I tell him. Leo groans in annoyance, nodding his head in defeat before we're both running down the sidewalk to get to Walmart. My house is pretty close to downtown, which is nice when I want to go for a walk, but don't want it to be long.

We walk inside, trying to act nonchalant before grabbing our shopping carts. Leo smiles devilishly, turning to look at me. 



"-and stay out!" The manager yells. 

I hang my head in defeat, looking up at Leo who ruined it all. He scratches the back of his neck, taking a step back. My glare penetrates through his weak stance. 

"This is all your fault," I say pouting. Leo opens his mouth to say something but I'm already dragging him down the sidewalk. I just got banned from Walmart. 

The only Walmart in my town! The only Walmart anywhere near my house!

"Look, maybe Grocery Outlet will let us-" 

"No!" I exclaim, looking at him with wide eyes. Definitely not. If he can manage to get kicked out of Walmart for slipping on a peach, who knows what's gonna happen out Grocery Outlet. 

We both walk silently back to my house, Leo slamming the door shut when we get inside. It's starting to get darker outside, and more stars are making their appearance in the black and blue abyss we call the night sky. I smile, thinking of the old abandoned telescope sitting in my attic. Leo would like that, right?

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