Chapter Seven

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Walking to my room, I started to think who ever gave letters to me.. KH???.. there's only one KH here in school...

Kai Huening, or Huening Kai.. is it him that gives me letters?, Impossible, a playboy gives shy love letters with so many kawaii stickers.


The school bell rang, students ran to their rooms. I went inside my room and suddenly saw stickers on my Desk.

Kawaii stickers?, I smiled knowing who gave this, my secret admirer, I laughed and sat down on my chair feeling loved.

"Kai Kamal Huening!, Do you you have more Kawaii stickers?" Kang Taehyun, my classmate who ran to Huening Kai.

Kawaii stickers... Omo, is it Taehyun or Heuning Kai?... Slowly the secret admirer was revealing itself.

"Hyung I have a lot of kawaii stickers" he showed Taehyung multiple kawaii stickers making me shocked.

"Kaiiii let me see that!" I quickly ran to Huening Kai and grabbed his kawaii stickers, I was shocked because all the kawaii stickers were the same with the secret admirer.

"Why?, Want some?" He asked, I chuckled awkwardly and walked back to my seat "No Thanks!" I said and ran to my seat "Kai, Jirae, both talking as I come in?, Detention 1 hour" I groaned looking at the professor who came in the classroom.

I glared at Huening Kai and walked back to my seat, I sighed and laid my head down on my desk as the teacher starts talking.

"Attention class!, Since I am your arts teacher!, I want all of you to take pictures of your partner in different Angles, and I'll be the one to partner you all!, The project is due next two days, first pair will be Jirae and Huening Kai..." I groaned more and bumped my head down on my desk causing a loud thud.

"You have any problems with that Jirae?" My teacher asked, I quickly straighten myself and shook my head "No sir..." I mumbled and stared at Huening Kai who only had a wide smile.

I rolled my eyes feeling a sudden blush creeping on my cheeks.


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