Chapter Twelve

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I entered the school, quickly running towards my locker, I'm pretty sure. He'll reveal his self!.

I opened my locker to see a yellow envelope, I quickly took it with a smile, I opened it with a wide smile.

'Dear Jirae,

Hiiii, so excited to know who I am huh?... Well, baby, I'm not gonna tell my full name yet...

I heard you were asked out by Huening Kai to the prom?, I hope you have fun with him. He is really a great man, everyone says he is a playboy, but he only did it because someone played his mom before.

I feel like he really loves you, but I love you more.

- HK'

HK?, Huh?, He only put the K on the right side instead of the left side?!... This is freaking weird.

I smiled and walked towards my classroom, I entered the room to see my desk full of kawaii stickers and a yellow sticky note.

'Jiraeee I'm sorry since absent today, I love you'

- HK

I frowned and sat down, the bell rang again and students slowly filled the classroom.

I saw the group of Huening Kai enter but he wasn't here, Beomgyu sat beside me since he is my seatmate.

"Huening Kai is absent?" I asked him, he nodded "Yes, why?... Are you concerned about him?, You like him~" I groaned and slapped his shoulder playfully.

"Oh by the way, Jirae, I saw this yellow envelope in front of your locker, someone dropped it there" I glanced at him to see a yellow envelope, I quickly took it and opened it with wide eyes.

'Dear Jirae,

Hmmm, You said you wanted kawaii stickers right?, Here, Ill give all my stickers, don't worry I'll buy new ones for you, I'll give you more new stickers tomorrow. Saranghae~'

- HK

It makes sense now... HK for Huening Kai, KH for Kai Huening. So my secret admirer is Huening Kai?.

That's why he is so strange around me, always sneaking around me. Especially knowing that he quit the playboy life.


After an hour of shooting some pictures, me and Huening Kai we're going to get a drink at the Convenience store and play video games at their house.

We both entered the house, drinking the Soju we bought. Slowly both of us started to get drunk.

I almost tripped luckily Huening Kai catched me, I smelled the strong alcohol from his breath, his lips which is centimeters away from mine.

"I don't want to be a playboy now, I want to be a serious person that can lo-" he suddenly got caught off, passing out.


"I'm serious love" he whispered, I Chuckled since he called me love...

Yah, why am I blushing?....

That's not important!, I should get him to bed! "Yah! Beomgyu! Help me with your Maknae!" I said to the guy who was sleeping on the couch with garlic bread scattered on his chest.


Is he serious about his love for me or not?... tomorrow will be the day I'll confront him...


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