ouch! my head

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Melody was walking into the library. She was wearing a black skirt that was a bit shorter than was modest girls wear, she also wore a camisole without a bra and a cardigan.

She loves books and is always looking for something new to read. Today she walked into a section she's never been in before.

She enters the dark room but the moment she did something hard hit her knocking her out. She fell down hitting her head on a table which caused a powered to dump over her.

What nobody knew was that that powder held magical particles taking her back in time.

When she came too she was no longer in the Libray. Instead she seemed in to be in some kind of tavern. She one on the ground and everyone in the room was staring at her.

A man who was just enjoying himself was annoyed by the commotion stood up.

"Ay ay ay!" He shouted holding up his drink. "Back away. Back away now come on. What the he'll is going on here?" He slurred. He was slightly drunk but still sober enough to think clearly.

He takes a look at Melody squinting at her strange appearance. "Who is this? Who are you?"

"ouch! why are you yelling?" Melody said in a pained tone of voice her head ached. "My name is Melody"

He scoffed and shook his head, "ain't nobody's name here Melody. Sounds so..unnatural. Where you from pretty lady? Wait before you answer, I'm gonna need everyone to leave so I can take a walk wit this gal." He helped her up and started walking out of the bar with her.

She looks around confused "what what? I was just at the library"

"Well lady that was the bar you were at,not no library." He said looking at her closley. "Hey where you get them clothes at?"

"tch" she touches her head there was a little bit of blood. "The store where else"

he raises a brow, " we only got the market that's a little few blocks down town. And there ain't no clothes like that"

She gives him a look only now coming to her senses. "Sir what year is it?" A sense if fear began to arise in her.

"Uh well it's the year 1854, to course." He scoffed as if she wouldn't know what year it is.

"oh no!" she cried out. "This can't be happening. This doesn't make sense. How?!" She started rambling

"uh is there something wrong ma'am?" He crosses his arms. He clearly wasn't amused.

She looked at him with tears in her eyes. "I've traveled back in time"

He had both of his eyebrows up at this point. "Huh? What you mean by traveled back in time?"

"dumbass man, I mean I'm from the future" a few tears rolled down her cheeks. Melody glared at him.

"it's not inappropriate, dick" she said, clearly insulted.

He scoffed and spitted on the floor. "Uh huh, look at all these other ladies ma'am. They've got lots of class. Compare their outfit to yours."

She punched him. "And where I come from girls like that are fucked up snobs who don't have a reason to live. They stay at home and complain about their terrible lives. At least Ive got a fucking education, unlike the women around you." She look at her fist and chuckles. "And I know how to punch"

His nose began bleeding and he covered it with his hand. "I admit..I may have crosses the line. I apologize ma'am." His head is down as he tries to stop some of the bleeding.

She crosses her arms. "God, men Are assholes no matter what time you're in" she mutters to herself.

He sighed and looked at her. "Look what could I do for ya? Want a drink? I could take you for a drink if you want ma'am." He said as he covered his nose still.

"I want to go home but I don't know how to do that" she turns away from him pouting.

"Well if you WERE at the library..maybe it's at the library again. Whatever it is that got you here." He suggested.

"that's the thing. I must have happened after I passed out. You know hitting you head on a table hurts" she says that a little bit amused with herself but she was still upset.

he shrugged. "well if you don't know yet, then we can't do it now. how about you stay at my place, it's least I could do after youve had quite a day."

"fine. But don't try anything funny" she starts walking again.

he laughs and walks to his place. it's a bit more different than other houses. A little bit more modern but not really. "I just bought this house. State of the art house," he said as he opened the door for her showing an actual nice place for an 1800s house.

"yeah well in 200 years it'll be a dump" she chuckles as she says this.

he rolled his eyes and led her time his room. "You can sleep here for the time being. I'll sleep on the floor"

"Alright fine" she said. Although she did feel uncomfortable about that. He should be the one to sleep in his own bed. She would be fine.

He sat down at his desk, writing she stuff down. He left his revolver and sheriff gear near his nightstand. She looks over his shoulder.

"Whatcha writing old man?" She says in a teasing way.

He crumbled the paper up and looked up at her. "Nothing, and would you please not call me that. I'm 19 for fucks sakes." She was surprised by how sensitive he sounded. Something in her began to warm up and her gaze softened.

She chuckles "ah but where I come from you'll would have died of old age before my mother was even born."

He sighs and gets up, getting his coat and hat and revolver. "Okay well clearly you're not being that nice of a guest right now. Sooo I got work to do and you have fun here." He walks out and heads to the office.

"okay okay. I'm sorry".she said holding back a giggle. "Looks like men here are more sensitive" was she beginning to fall for him?

He looked back at her before he left and shook his head. "Don't matter, still leaving." He shut the door and took his time while walking down to the office.

She sighed and hung upsidedown off the side of the bed.

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⏰ Last updated: May 15, 2020 ⏰

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