Chapter 21

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*Dallas POV*
We rolled up to the jail and entered through a backdoor. Julian handed one of the guards a briefcase. I'm assuming it was full of some type of payment. The guard opened the case and nodded. Another guard then called out the door for Elliot.

"Why can't you people let me be" he lowly asked

"Like how you let Naomi be oh wait you didn't" Julian punched him

"Guard you gonna let this happen" Elliot stumbled
The guards just simply walked out of the room

"This is illegal" Elliot yelled out the door

"Maybe" Julian pulled him away from the door and threw him to the floor

"But who's going to stop us" Nico kicked him

"Please don't kill me" He stuttered

"I'm sure Naomi said the same damn thing" Mar picked him up and punched him

"What do you want from me" He yelled

"What I want is to strangle you until the life is gone from your body" Julian picked him up and held him against the wall by his throat" but that's not what everyone else wants" he released him

"You stole everything from me Elliot and for what" I  yelled

"I just wanted a child" He cowered "I didn't want to kill Naomi" 

"You broke into my house" I punched him " killed my wife" I hit him again "and kidnapped my son" I kicked him

"That's my son" Elliot struggled to his feet to attack me

"Bad idea" Julian kicked him down and whistled
The guard then brought in a pipe and a bat

"We aren't going to kill you but we are going to make sure you wish you were dead" Julian whispered in his ear

"You won't get away with this" Elliot spit at Julian

"I already have" Julian hit him with the bat
Natalie just stood in the corner and watched

"You want a piece of me" Elliot managed to get up and run over to Natalie

"Big mistake" Mar pulled him down by his collar and slammed him on the ground

Natalie then walked over and hit Elliot with the pipe

"I will make sure everyday you live is a painful one" I punched Elliot

"It already is" Elliot frowned " I'm a murderer. Something I never wanted to be. I killed not only Naomi but 3 other women" He sighed

"What" I stared at Julian

"You killed 4 women" Julian asked

"Yes" Elliot said

"Why haven't they given your sorry ass the death penalty" Julian stood Elliot up

"Funny thing about plea deals" Elliot chuckled

"Ain't nothing funny" I punched him

"I'm already a broken man do what you want" Elliot smirked

"I want revenge" Julian pushed him up against the wall and held a knife to his throat

"Julian" I pulled his arm

"I though we agreed we weren't going to kill him" Mar tried to pull Julian off of Elliot

"Why shouldn't we" Julian yelled

"We agreed he should sit here and rot" I got the knife out of his hand

"I change my mind Dallas" Julian started aggressively beating Elliot

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